Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday December 29 2011

Nice cool morning at Da Box...cup of coffee...some Jacked and ready to go...

A: Front Squat @ 20X1 8-10  rest 2:30 x 4
B: Reverse Sled drag 60 sec steady pace rest 2:30 x 4
C: 1 RM strict Pull Up


A: 135(10), 145(9), 155(10), 165(8)
B: 205, 215, 220, 225..legs were bur ning at this point....
C: BW plus 85#'s..felt good

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday December 28 2011

No Box I went for a nice 5k run

Time : 24:11...not my fastest time but a good pace...back to the Box tomorrow....See Ya's  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday December 27, 2011

Ok so I'll try to stay on track and up to date...Cup of coffee and off to the Box

A: Deadlift @ 31X1  6,4,4,2 rest 3 minutes
B: Back Ext  12-15 rest 45 secs

Then : 2 sets of 5 mi nute AMRAPS

3 DL 2 200#
5 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs


A: 315, 330, 340, 345
B: Complete

 3 plus burpees
 2 plus burpees

Last time  I did  4 plus dl and 3 plus burpees at 195#'s and 1 rope climb...

The rope climbs caught up to me fast...I have to say I wasn't happy witht he results until I looked at the last results...I thought I got in 5 or 6 I was happy to see I was closer than I thought...Deadlifts felt real good...I was able to keep the tempo each time and felt good after the rest period....

Catching Up

OK so I didn't fall off the face of the earth but  Xmas time was very busy and hard to keep up...Here is what I have been up to....Not sure of the dates so I'll post all the workouts I have completed since last post then  I'll do a new for today (Tuesday December 27)

A: Press @ 32X2 7-9 reps rest 3 min x 4
B: Decline Ring push ups feet high on box AMRAP -2 rest 3 mins x 3
C: GHD sit ups 5 unbroken sets of 10 (shorter rest than last time)


A: 95(7), 85(9), 85(7), 85(7)
B: 14-11-8
C: Rest 30 sec, 30 sec, 35 sec, 40 sec


A: Deadlift from 4" block @ 32X1 6,4,4,2,2 rest 3 mins b/t sets
B: Back Ext w/ 10# plate @ 22X2 8-10 rest 1 minute x 4
C: 2 pood KBS ladder 1 swing/2 swings/ 3swings etc...
D: Side bridge 45 sec/side rest 15 sec x 3 per side

A: 245,265,265,275,280 very differant lifting from block...really had to concentrate on form...tough getting weight off ground then longer lower...
B: Complete 10 each round
C: Made it to ladder 10
D: complete


A: As many 1-5 strict pull up ladders in 7 minutes
B: Pendlay rows @ 32x2 5-7 rest 2 mins x 3

Then: Row max meters in 9:45 w/ 45 # bumper to last

A: 2 complete plus 4
B: 70(7), 80(7), 85(6)
Row: 2463m...last row was for 10 mins and I got 2415 meters....I guess training is paying off...thanks coach!


A: Press @ 31X2 4-6 rest 2:30  x 4
B: Ring Dips @ BW  AMRAP -1  rest 3 mins x 3
C: DB Ext Rot  @ 3010 8/arm rest 1 min between arms
D:  GHD sit ups 50 for time


A: 100(6), 105(4), 102(6), 105(4)
B: 16,12,10
C: complete
D: 3:00 with rest felt good...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13, 2011

OK so I took some time off after the OPT Construction Series on Saturday...Here are the results of that:

A: Find 1 RM Power Snatch then Max Reps of chest to bar complete in 25 minutes

B: Little Liz...
  Squat Cleans 135#
  Ring Dips

C: 25 minute limit:
      5k row with remaining time AMRAP of burpees

A: 140# with 20 C2B
B: 6:55 RX
C: 21:10 row then 43 burpees

Good Times!


A:Press @ 32X2 7-9 reps rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Decline Ring Push Ups AMRAP -2 rest 3 minutes x 3
C: GHD sit ups 5 unbroken sets of 10


A: 95#(7), 85#(9), 85#(7), 85#(7)
B: 14-11-8
C: 30 second rest between set 1 and 2 and 2 and 3 then 35 sec rest then 40 second rest

Felt good today to get back at body needed the rest after Saturday...

Tuesday December 6, 2011

At the Box nice and early...cup of joe and off to the WOD...

A: Front Squat @ 20X0 2-3 rest 3 minutes x 5
B: 15 Perfect Hand Stand Push Ups


Karen...150 Wall Balz for time!

A: 135,165,165,175,175...Tempo was good...felt good with these
B: I did 3 sets of 5...I used one sit up pad and my head hit each time...this is an improvment for me...took 3 minutes overall with rest...NICE!

Karen...what a BIATCH!
Took 11 minutes...Felt good...had a feeling I would be hating the fact that I did this at SWAT the next day...I was suprised and felt good...must be getting stronger or my pain tolerence has gone up!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday December 5, 2011

Off to the Box first thing today...Pre workout 1 serving of Jack 3d:

A: AMRAP Strict chin ups with 10% bw drop wieght at failure them AMRAP at bw..stay on bar
B:1 arm DB row @ 32X2 5-7 rest 1 minute b/t arms x 5
C: DB ext rot @ 3010 7 per arm rest 1 minute b/t arms x 2

A: 5 with 15#'s the 4 w/o wieght...did this outside on skinny bar...think I could have had a higher number on fat time
B: 3 rds at 55#'s then 2 rds @ 45#'s
C: complete

So I got somewhat careless with my eting pre and post back on track last week and this has paid off...I feel better and I cut about 4-5 lbs over the past week..In keeping with a better diet I am back to posting meals..

Post Wod #1:
Eggs and bacon..21.7g Fat, 3.5g Carb, 26.6g Protein
Meal # 2:
Protein Bar and some nuts...23g Fat, 34.7g Carb,  40g Protein
Meal #3:
Chicken breast. brussel sprouts steamed, salad..13.4g Fat, 11.9g Carb, 45.8g Protein
Protein Shake and nuts  24.3g Fat, 21.7g Carb, 53.5g Protein

Totals: 82.5g Fat,  72.1g Carb, 165.9g Protein

Feeling much better...not the best night sleep but I got some....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday December 1, 2011

Full house this morning at the Box....After two classes a cup of joe I was ready to go...


A: 1 Push Press, 2 Push Jerks, 1 Split Jerk rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Strict DB press @ 31x1...seated with legs straight out in front 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3
C: 5 sets of 10 unbroken GHD sit ups


A: All 3 @ 115#'s...felt good...
B: First set 8 @ 35#'s...burned up the shoulders..sets 2 and 3 10 reps @ 30#'s
C: All 5 sets completed...

All in all I felt good...kind of rushed it this moring since I was pressed for time...still mad over the muscle ups...Next week I will start tracking my food again...I have been very strict this week and I feel a lot a little crazy prior to the holiday and needed to get back on track...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

This was from Wednesday before Thanksgiving:

A: WTD pullups w/10% body weight, AMRAP -1 rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Strict Chin Ups @ body weight AMRAP rest 2 minutes x 5

 Row max meters in 10 minutes w/45# plate under back of rower

A: 10,8,9,8 w/25#kb
B: 10,6,6,5,5
Row: 2415m

Monday Nov 28:

A: Front Squat @ 22X2 5-7 reps, rest 3 minutes x 5
B: Reverse Lunge w/BB in front rack 12 total rest 3 minutes x 3
C: Trap 3 @ 3010 6-8 each arm rest 1 minute between arms x 2

A: 7(115#), 7(135#), 7(145#), 6(155#), 6(160#)
B: 65#,85#,105# 12 each time
C: Complete w/15#

Tuesday Nov 29:

A: Work on Overhead Snatch 7 minutes
B: Few Sets of Power Cleans build to moderate weight
Then :
Power Clean x 2
10m bear crawl
2 muscle ups
10m bear crawl
rest 3 minutes x 4

A: Worked on snatch..haven't done this in a while it took some getting used to and form a few in at 65#'s
B: Built to 125#'s which i used for next part:

Power Cleans and crawl went well...Not sure what was going on with Muscle Ups but I struggled..I think it was mostly form...but I definitely need to work on them...NOT HAPPY AT ALL.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21 2011

Getting ready for Thanksgiving this week....Nice cup of coffee and then todays WOD:

A: Deadlift @31X1 6,4,4,2 rest 3 minutes
B:Back Extentions 12-15 rest 45 seconds x 4

2 sets of 5 minute AMRAP

3 deadlifts @ 195#
5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb
rest 3 minutes and repeat


A: 305#,325#,335#,345#
B: 15,15,15,14

Round 1: 4 sets plus deadlifts
Round 2: 3 sets plus burpees

Deadlifts felt good today...I think I got off track on the tempo, but I lifted alot of weight.  My lower back did get tired during the back ext...from the deadlifts I guess...

AMRAP felt like I was moving in slow motion...I just felt exhusted..not sure what caused it...I'll see how I feel tomorrow...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14 2011

Still feeling Saturday...sore, but I thought I'm at the Box I might as well workout....cup of coffee and ready to go.

A: Press @ 322X2 5-7 reps rest 3 hard set
B1: AMRAP push ups on rings (-2)...No rest
B2: FLR position hold for time
C: Ext Rot with 20# 6 reps each arm rest 1 minute between x 2


A: So I was still feeling Sat.   so it was a little tough..95#(7), 95#(7), 115#(5), 95#(7)
B: 15/32...12/30....13/30
C: Complted felt it in the shoulders

Good day...hope to feel better tomorrow....

OPT Challange Saturday November 12. 2011

Saturday was great...great group of Redliners hitting it hard...had a blast...


1 rep max back squat (45 minutes)
2500m Row
3 tries at triple jump
10 rounds of
10 Burpess
10 Pull-ups

280# back squat I think I had more just ran out of time
2500m row: 10:15
Triple Jump: 19'6"
10 rounds: 15:11

This was an awsome event can't wait till the next one...
Everyone looked like they were having a blast and cheering each other on....GOOD TIMES!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday November 10, 2011

At the Box early again today and had my cup of coffee to get started...


30 minutes @
30 secs @ 75%
30 secs @ 50%

rest 1 minute after each fifth set....

results..I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS................the minute rest period was enough to get of the bike and never want to look at it again...My legs were smoked after the first thru it without slowing to much...Would it be wrong to hide the airdyne?

Tuesday November 8, 2011

At the Box after a nice cup of Joe for an early morning workout...Good night sleep so I feel good today..

A: Pendlay row @ 32X2 5-7 rest 3 minutes x 3
B; power Clean 3 sets of 3 tough but technical

7 minute AMRAP
Ground 2 overhead @ 115#'s x 1
Shoulder 2 overhead x 3
Front Squat x 5
 Deadlift x 7

A: 7 @ 85 #'s each round....tempo was tough on this..tough to keep the bar against the chest..
B: 155#, 160#, 165...stayed tight with my technique throughout..these felt good..I can feel the differance with this movement...feel much stronger at them

This was fun (if I tell myself that enough I'll believe it)..I got 5 rounds plus 2 shoulder to overhead...stayed unbroken for about the first four rounds....after the deadlifts on Monday I enjoyed the 115#'s....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7 , 2011

Nice brisk morning at the a good night I felt good and ready to go this morning.

A: Deadlift Heavy rest 3 minutes between rounds x 3
B: Back Extentions x 15 rest 45 seconds x 4


Helen (yea why not)
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KBS
12 Pull-ups

A: 365(2), 370(1), 340(2),325(1)
B: Completed

Helen: 11:15

I felt great on the DL...375 is my 1RM so this was really good for me..Felt good at first to work the lower back after with the extentions, but it got tired quick...
Ok now Helen...On the first run I knew I was going to be legs just didn't want to go...I did get them moving and got thru the first 2 rounds unbroken..third round my grip went I got thru the KBS but I had to come off the bar forearms were just burning..
Great training today....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4 2011

Good times at the Box the last two days....Redliners again proved why they are the best...very motivated...anyway here is my training for Thursday and Friday.

Coach had a two day tester for the Box so I thought what the hell I'm in:


for time:
Row 250 m
15 burpees
25 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
15 burpees
Row 250 m
Result 5:13 RX...lots of fun and energy at the Box with this one...had to stop at 15 on KBS..I think I was still feeling SWAT training from Wednesday...but still happy with my time.
Friday Tester #2
A. Standing Press - build to a 1RM - record weight in lbs
B. Weighted Chin Up - build to a 1RM - record weight of BWT + weight added as score in lbs
Set a PR with the press at 135#'s up five #'s from last time...thanks to Coach for all the programming that made this happen.
Got 80#'s on the WTD chin up..happy with Coach gave me a second WOD to do today...
3 rounds at 97%                      Results
30 Sec PC @ 95#'s                   10/12/11
30 Sec Burpees                         9/11/10
30 Sec KBS w/2 Pood              10/11/10
30 Sec Box Jumps @ 24"       10/12/12
10 minute rest between sets
HAppy with the results...should have hit it harder in round 1, but other then that I felt good...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday November 2, 2011

Oh man do I have some cathing up to do....I was out of town for most of lat week and gave my body some time to recover...Back at it this week...

A: Press @ 32X2 5-7 reps rest 3 min x 5
B:Handstand Push Ups AMRAP (-2) rest 2 min x 4
C: Dumbell Ext Rotation @ 3010 6-8 rest 1 min b/t arms x 3

Then 4 Sets
5 Burpees
15 KBS 1.5
20 walking lunges
10 GHD situps

A: 7(95#), 7(95#), 6(95#), 5(95#), 6(95#)
B: 6,7,7,7
C: 8 reps for all @ 15#'s

All 4 sets complete

Good day to get back at it....I have struggled with the Press before and staying very strict 95# at that Tempo felt good. HSPU are something else I struggle with (seeing a pattern).  I need to work on my depth..
Ext ROT are always a nice finish..The the 4 sets were great felt really strong going thru this...felt my tempo and speed were good.


5 Minute AMRAPS of:
200m Run
AMRAP Chins (-2)
Rest 3 minutes
30 Double Unders/90 Singles(more my speed)
10 Push ups
Rest 3 minutes
Airdyne 15 cals
5 chins
rest 3 minutes
200m row
5 toe 2 bar

3 rds 20-12-6 plus 175m run
6 rounds (singles)
4 rounds
3 rounds

Ok this was tough...the 3 minute rest went by fast...Airdyne really cooked my legs...I never recovered after first round of this...I really enjoyed it...

I need to start logging my food again..I kinda got away from it and I'm not being as strict...I just got a copy of Mark Sissons 21 day total body transformation...reading it has me motivated so next week I'm back on the wagon....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday October 18, 2011

Full house at the Box this morning...great to see so many members going at it so hard...anyway decent night sleep last night as it was my night off...Cup of coffee to get me going and off to the Box.

A:Push Press @ 32X2 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 5
B:Front Squat @ 30X2 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 5
3 heavy squat clean thrusters run hard 200m active rest 5 minutes x 5

A: 115#(7 reps), 120#(7 reps), 125#(7 reps), 130#(7 reps), 135#(5 reps)
B: 135#(7 reps), 145#(6 reps), 145#(7 reps)
Squat Clean Thrusters @ 125,135,140,140,145

All felt good today...Tempo held me back some I tried to go heavier on the first set of Push Presses, but I felt my form going..I ended up starting to lite, but I worked my way up and I'll be ready for the next time.  Thrusters were heavy..the first two rounds I got done with no break after that I had to drop the bar and reset each one...Legs were tired at the end with the run in between...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday October 17, 2011

At the Box most of the morning.  Had the pleasure to watch two groups of Redliners go all out at todays WOD...Then my turn to train....

A: Weighted pullups 3-5 (grunt effort) 3 min x 3
B: Strict Chin ups 5-7 rest 2 minutes x 5
5 burpee pull ups on the minute for 7 minutes..

A: Used the big purple KB which I think is 44#'s got 3 pull ups each round
B: Got 7,7,7,6,5...first few rounds felt good without the added weight...but it caught up in the last two rounds
Burpee pull-ups went well...took an average of 27 seconds to get burpees done...great ending to the day..keep things like this coming....

Got some additional workout in at SWAT Boot camp...did a Burpee ladder 1-10 with the group...then the second class had an odd number so I partnered up for the team WOD:

100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
200 Jump Ropes
One partner working other partner in the plank position...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Friday October 14, 2011

Again at it early...half decent sleep last night...cup of coffee on the run...

A: Deadlift 6,4,2 3-5 minutes rest between (grunt effort)
B: KBS Heavy x 15 rest 1 minute x 3
C: Trap raises @ 3010 6-8 arm rest 1 minute between

AMRAP  10 minutes 7 DL @ 185#'s, 14 Box Jumps, 21 anchored sit ups..

A: 315#, 325#, 335
B: All rounds with 2 pood
C: 8 each arm with 15# DB...tough...
AMAP: 5 rounds plus 10 sit ups..

Good day felt good on the deadlifts......Trap Raises were tough need more of these...

AMRAP...was tough but lots of fun....

Thursday October 13, 2011

Up and at earlt with a cup of coffee on the run...

A: Close grip bench press @ 20X1 8-10 rest 3 minutes between x 4
B: FLR on rings  3 max holds rest 3 minutes between holds
C: Ext rotation @ 3010 6-8 each arm rest 1  minute between arms x 2
D: Row Sprint 45 seconds rest 5 minutes between rows x 6

A: 115# with thin bar...didn't do hurt my hand 8 reps...95# 10 reps with fat bar, 105# 10 reps, 110# 10 reps
B: 1:10, 1:20 , 1:05
C 15# db 8 reps each arm each time
D: 225m, 226m, 225m, 224m, 221m, 224m

Good day...rows were tough at the end....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011

Early start to the day....Off to the Box with my cup of coffee...

Took on Crossfit Total Today...Here are the results:

Back Squat: 285 up 10#'s from last time 5/2/11
Shoulder Press: 130 up 5#'s from last time
Deadlift: 365 up 5#'s from las time
Total: 780

All felt good...I thought I could get more on the SP and DL...On the SP I got 140 up off my shoulders just couldn't reach full extension..
DL I got 375 off the floor I just couldn't get it past my knees..I think it got in my head after the SP I beat myself up after that...all in all total score is up 20 points

Looking forward to what is coming next.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday October 10, 2011

At the Box early and ready to go...took a nice bike ride yesterday getting ready for May.  Just a cup of coffee before the WOD.

A: Back Squat x 4 @ 80% 1 Rep Max...Rest 3 Minutes
B: Reverse Sled Drag @ 185#'s for 45 seconds Rest 5 minutes x 3
C: GH Raises vs light band 12 reps rest 90 seconds x 3

A: Back Squat was at 225#'s all four felt good depth and kept chest up..
B: Reverse sled drags got my legs to go from edge of blacktop to end of driveway between guest house and new Captains office
C: GH Raises went well...used red band...lower back started to ache during the last round...

Overall good day felt good with each set...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday and Friday Oct 6-7 2011

Up and off to the Box Thursday morning only a cup of coffee to start the day...

  Push Press @ 12X1 3-5 reps rest 2 minutes x 5
  Split Jerk Tech work 5-7 minutes 1 heavy
 Accumulate 300 seconds in Handstand hold

145# Presses 5,5,4,4,4
125# on the Split Jerk...need more work on this getting the technique, but still don't have the confidence to go real heavy
Took me 12:30 total to get my 300 seconds in had fun with this...shoulders were smoked at the end...

Friday...Got to the Box around 10am...cup of coffee to start of with

A: Clean Pull @ 115% of 1RM of power clean 2-3 reps rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Power Clean Heavy x 3 no rest
C: 10 chest to bar pull ups rest 5 minutes x 4
Row for 10 minutes where the 2nd 5 minutes is faster than the 1st 5 minutes

A: Pulled 200#'s it was heavy...had Jeff watching my form to be sure I was pulling right...
B: Power Clean x 3 I got 175# once but couldn't get the last two...rested a few minutes and got 170#'s 3 times...this was up from 165#'s the last a tip on my technique from Jeff that helped
C: Chest to bar were harder than shoulders were smoked from yesterday and then the PC' through them ok...just not as fat as I would like..
The 1st 5 minutes I rowed 865m at 21-22 s/m the second 5 I rowed 1200m at 29-31 s/m max was 33

Two days of good programing enjoyed them both...just like I enjoyed watching the Yanks go out of the playoff's   GO PHILLIES!...and Oh just a reminder the Flyers smoked the Bruins right after they got their rings and hung their banner....GO FLYERS!

And did mention I smoked me some Holiday Ham Ass in Fantasy Football.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catching Up...

Well I haven't been in the Box for a few days...Work has been crazy and I've been in all day everyday this week...I did mange to get in a Sprint Triathlon over the weekend.  Sunday on Marco the weather was perfect and a good crowd.

400m Swim
15 mile bike ride
5K Run

I didn't really do any training and I don't swim on a regular basis so it was a challenge

SWAT training day today Jose gave us the following partner WOD
1/2 mile run
30 pullups
60 pushups
100 air squats
1/2 mile run
30 pullups
60 pushups
100 air squats
1/2 mile run

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday September 29, 2011

Up nice and early with the girls and then off to the box...cup of coffee to start the day..

A: Back Squat @ 80 % 1RM rest 3 minutes x2
B: Dumbell Walking lunges 10-12 steps rest 90 secs x 4
4 Sets of
30 Sec AMRAP DU's
30 Sec AMRAP Burpees
30 Sec AMRAP KBS 1.5
30 Sec AMRAP Box Jumps 20"

A: Back Squat felt good..225#'s felt like I got nice and deep..kept a good tempo
B: I used 45# DB and did 12 steps each heavy but I got thru it

Okay now the 4 Sets
I'm still struggling with DU so I did singles
Jump Rope; 80,65,43,30
Burpees: 15,12,12,9
KBS: 13,12,10,9
Box Jumps: 16,14,13,12
Need to work on DU's and get them done!  First KBS I used the 2 pood because I can

So then Jeff reminds me that him and Ant are going to swim later in the day for some training and I agree to go....
So we did 10 minutes of just swimming then we tried to go 50m under water rest one minute repeat 8 times...yea that was fun...then swim ten minutes again...when I can feel my shoulders again I will let you know...that really took a toll something you need to do on a regular basis to get smooth at..

Last thing I will be taking part in the Marco Sprint Triathlon on Sunday...400m Swim...15 mile bike ride...5k Run ON THE BEACH!  Should be fun....

Tuesday September 27, 2011

Had an early morning meeting then off to the box....two cups of coffee before the WOD...nothing to eat...

A: Strict Pull Ups 6-8 x 4
B: Bench Press 5,3,1 @ 65%,75%,85% of 1 Rep Max  plus AMRAPof 85 %
C: Bar Bell bent over row 10-12 rest 2 minutes x 3
D: Side Bridge 45 secs per side rest 15 secs x 3

A:  8,7,7,6...kept them nice and strict no kipping...
B: 100#, 120#, 130#  them 10 reps at 130#'s...felt good...feeling stronger at this..1 Rep MAx is going up for sure...
C: BB bent over rows...added 20#'s to the bar...felt good 12 reps each round
D: Side Bridges are getting easier...I feel good with these and this time....could go longer..stayed nice and stiff..

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday September 26, 2011

Started the day early...nothing to eat before the box...just a cup of coffee...


Deadlift  5,3,1,5,3,1 rest inceases as reps decrease
GH Raise vs light band x 10 rest 90 seconds x 3

4 sets @ 90-95%
20 Anchored situps
20 Box Jumps 24"...low ground reaction time rest 2:30 between sets

Deadlifts felt good...did each round at 305#'s
GH Raises vs light band...hade to get instructions on this one...once I got it down it felt good..I used the red band....

4 Sets:
Situps were no problem...felt them in my thighs and lower back after raises but still got thru them in about 20-22 secs..
Box Jumps were OK..I really need to work on my ground reaction time..I tend to come off the box and take a step back before I go back up...I need to work on my speed with these...I found this out fir sure during FGB..should have had higher numbers here..Keep the box jumps coming I need the work..
Times: 1:12, 1:12, 1:12, 1:15....stayed consistant...
Good day...I ran two miles later in the day...need to get on the bike!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday September 22, 2011

Up and at the box early today...nothing but a cup of coffee pre WOD...legs a little tired from the torture Jose called PT yesterday at SWAT Training...I can't even say lunge let alone do another one!

A: Turkish Get Ups..20 perfect (like I would do them any other way) Heavy..
B1: AMRAP push ups in 30 seconds
B2: FLR max hold rest 3 minutes x 3
C:DB  EXT ROT @ 3010 6-8 rest 1minute between arms x 2
D:GHD sit ups 5 sets to 85% rest as needed between sets

A: I used the 40# KB for this 10 each arm @ 5 at a time...nice and smooth perfection...Shoulders tired and forearm sore from KB resting on it
B1: I got 28-27-25 in the three rounds
B2: Times were 1:30, 1:10, 1:10...shoulders and upper arms were smoked after push ups and TGU
C: I felt better with these this time over the last time used 15# db and got 8 each round...feeling a little stronger here may try to up weight some next time or more reps????
D: UGHHHH...Reps for the five rounds were 16,14,12,11, through these ok....took rest as needed per Coach...but somehow this upset Jeff and he felt he needed to comment...whatever...go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady...

Good Day over all....Rest Day Tomorrow....YES!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday and Tuesday September 19-20, 2011

Back to the Box on Monday and still feeling FGB...legs are tight and squats hurt!!!!

Monday Training:

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of Ring Dips and Power Cleans at 135#'s

Results: Gave Coach the finger!
Okay he wasn't there but I did text it to him....

This actually went well...ring dips I worked on kipping and getting full depth...somehow they seemed to get easier as the rounds went on...Power Cleans went well...I felt my form was good and I was under the bar quick...very happy with todays results...

Tuesday Training:
A: Front Squat 5-7 rest 3 minutes x 4 increase load each set...stay with in reps
B: Reverse Dumbell lunge from 4"10-12 reps rest 90 seconds x 3
Row 1k rest 12 minutes x 3

A: Front Squats went well full range of motion I did 145#(6 reps) 155#(7 reps) 160#(6 reps)  165#(5 reps) heavy at the end but I got 5 good reps in..
B: I used 35# dumbells..could have gone heavier
C: Row...Row...and Row again...this went better than I expected..I thought my legs would give out...the rest was long enough to prevent that from happening..1st row took 3:56 2nd Row took 4:06 and last row was 4:00...had to keep good form to come in with the times I did...

Saturday September 17 2011...FGB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completed FGB today at the "BOX"...what a great showing for a great cause...not super happy with my results...scored 235..up from last time at 221, but I thought I would do much better...I didn't game it right...came out to was hard not to with everything going time will be part of the day was the kids Lauren, Justis and my daughter Cassidy doing a kids version of FGB...So Proud!!!  She almost beat me and only did 2 rounds!  Great time at the beach afterwards....Thanks Coach and Ali.....

Thursday September 15 2011

Doing a little catching up..ended up being out till almost 0400hrs and had to get up at 0700 to get the girls to school...needless to say I took Wednesday off and got back at it Thursday...Got to the gym and noticed Coach must have been drinking since he had Jeff and I do the same it be:

Handstand Push Up work for 10 on depth, range of motion, tempo and kipping


5 sets at 97%
Row 150 meters
15 Burpees
30 double Unders/ 90 singles
Rest 5 minutes...Active

HSPU work was needed...this is somewhere I struggle..I have issues with depth..I feel like I'm going deep but when I check I'm still not making contact with the floor...I worked on spreading my hands out more I think my stance is too narrow making it hard to go deep...I did get one done on the black boxes so I could go real deep...yeah...didn't work still came up was fun and challenging!

5 Sets:
These were real time to catch your breath...I completed the rows in an average of 1:50...burpees are always fun...still working on double unders so I stayed with 90 period was good...enough to recover, yet still feeling the prior round...liked this WOD...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday September 13, 2011

Day two of getting back to the box....feeling good...foot still not leaking so I guess its healed up....At the box a little late today after some very important meetings at work....yeahhhh very important...

A: Front Squat with chains @ 30X1 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Reverse Lunge with kettle bells in rack position
C: Side Bridge 30 seconds a side x 4 rest 10 seconds in between

A: Chains...chains...and more chains....well they sure made it interesting...I still feel all the stabilizer muscles still firing off...I did 135#'s plus the chains which I think is a total of 180#'s...Tempo was great...I mean it with the chains and the shaking it was great...very interesting looking forward to more chain work
B: Reverse lunges went good...I used 35# KB's probably could have gone heavier, but my legs were still a little shell shocked from the chains...
C: Side bridges went great...good form throughout...kept a nice solid bridge...

Monday September 12, 2011

Glad to be back at it....the foot is healing nicely...still have the stitches in but they should come out Thursday, just in time for FIGHT GONE BAD!!!!! Hell Yea!

A: Deadlift @ 43X1 8-10 reps rest 90 seconds x 4
B: Challenging Box Jump 20 Reps
C: Russian KBS with BIG BLACK x 15 rest 1 minute x 4
D: Stretch/ Mobility Hams and Hips

A: Deadlift Tempo was killer...I did 200#'s with reps of 10,10,8,8...form felt good movement was slow and steady..
B: Not sure of exact height but I did the 27" box with a 45+25# plates on top..I could have gone higher but I was afraid I would pop a stitch or two coming back down...these felt good even after the Deadlifts...
C: Ohhhh Big thru all sets unbroken, but it got heavy around swing 10-11 each round...really had to be sure to use hips on this one...
D:  This felt good after all the hip action I got during the WOD...spent about 10-15 minutes working mobility..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thrusday September 8 2011

Just a quick update...I haven't vanished or  fell off the planet....Monday I tried to enjoy a day at the beach with my kids...well at times I think I'm still a kid so I decided to show my girls my awsome "Body Surfing" moves...I looked good right up to the point when a good wave knocked me down.... I put my foot down to stop me from flopping in the water like a fish outta water...It worked, but I also hit a nice shell and sliced my foot open requiring six stitches to close it up...I'm still trying to let it heal some before working out hard...It hasn't leaked all day today so I might be close....And yes Terry and my girls were very impressed with my moves...okay maybe they weren't, but I was!!!!!!!!!!!   Back at it soon....And another note this injury won't stop me from stomping all over the other players in Fantasy Football!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday September 3 2011

Catching up again....Last WOD was Thursday and it was a skills day:

A: Handstand Push on Range of Motion 2-3 each time 7 minutes
B: Bench Press 135#'s 8 rounds of 2 @ 20X1 rest 1 minute between rounds
C: Work om Overhead Squat chest up shoulders active 7 minutes
D: GHD sit ups 10 reps with 1 minute rest between rounds x 4

Good skills day:
A: Tried to move my hands out wider...wanted to see if I could go deeper this way...worked a little bit but I felt weaker pushing back up...keep working them
B: Bench Press was good able to maintain tempo
C: This was good haven't done these in a while so even an empty bar felt heavy at first...added a little weight, but worked more on form then weight.
D: GHD sit ups are always good...have felt them the past few days...

I took Friday off to get ready for 31 Heroes today...GLAD I DID...WOW what a WOD...just a reminder in case you didn't see it

Partner WOD go for 31 minutes AMRAP
Partner 1 starts with 8 Thrusters @ 155#....6 rope climbs 25ft....11 box jumps @ 30"...
Partner 2 starts with 400m run carrying 45# sand bag..

I did it RX with Jeff....we got in 4 rounds plus the thrusters and 2 rope climbs...
I couldnt have asked for a better partner..we just kept going and worked at a steady pace...
I have to say all the training I have been doing with Coach has paid off and it showed today...No way could I do 155# thrusters a few months not only did I do them I managed to make it thru the WOD without visiting Pukie!..Great job Coach and great job Jeff.....Congrats and job well done by all other Redliners who showed up to "Bring It"...or just to cheer us on...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday August 31, 2011

OK a little catching up to do.  I took today as a rest day.  Here is what I did Monday and Tuesday.
Back on nights so sleep is all jacked up again...getting in at midnight or so trying to go right to bed and get up at 0700 to get the girls up for school...I guess I'm getting 5-6 hours a night....

Monday Training:

A: Front squat @ 20X1 10-12 rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Walking Lunges with Kettle Bells in front rack (heavy) 16 steps rest 90 seconds x 3
C: Side Bridge 30 sec a side rest 10 seconds x 4 per side

A: I did 135#'s at 10 reps each time...I felt good the three minutes was enough recovery time to hit the next set hard and get thru it.
B: Walking Lunges I did with two 35# kettle these were tough...the bells put pressure on your chest making it hard to they got arse was sore from these...but I liked them...
C: Side bridges went well...I felt good each time and made the 30 second mark each time..

Tueasday Training (my ass still hurts from the lunges!)

A: Barbell Bent over row @ 20X2 8-10 repsw rest 2 minutes x 4
B: Kipping Pull Ups 15 fast rest 30 seconds x 5
C: Dumbell Extension Rotations with 15#'s @ 3010 6-8 rest 1 minute between arms x 2
D: Back Extensions @ 4022 10-12 reps rest 1 minute x 3


A: Barbell rows went good...I had coach there to make a few adjustments which was nice and I added 5#'s for 50# reps...completed 10 each time..felt the difference when form corrected

B: Kipping pull ups went good for rounds 1-3..I was able to stay on the bar  I had to come on rounds 4-5...30 sec rest went fast and caught up with me...

C: DB Ext ROT...for such an simple exercise these suck...I did 6 each round and my arms were on fire at this point...keep them comong..or I need to continue these on my own...

D: Back Ext always wipe me out at the end...I did 10 each round and fought the tempo...

So then I decided to try and do the 155# thruster for 31 Heroes...I will be doing it with Jeff and I wanted to be sure I could do some...I have to say I impressed myself...155# was my old max on Power Cleans...not only did I clean it I was able to complete the movement three times!   This really showed me that all this training is paying off...Thanks Coach

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday August 26, 2011

So yesterday got all messed up and I never made it to the gym...although we did catch the guy who robbed Cold Stone Ice Cream so it was worth it...Today I doubled up my training.  Yesterday was a skill day so I did that early this morning and then my workout after the 10 am class.

Training #1:
A: Work on muscle ups for 5 minutes
B: Work on Power Clean for 7 minutes
C: Work on double unders...get 20
D: 10 Wall Balls at easy pace rest 1 minute x 3

A: Muscle up work was good...still have trouble transitioning from one to the next..I get 2-3 then i have to get off and reset..
B: Worked on Power Cleans...worked light weight and on technique...knew I had some later in the day so I stayed light.
C: Did double unders worked up to twenty...I need more work on these
D: Wall Balls went good nice easy pace

Training #2
A: Deadlift 2-3 tough rest 5 minutes x 3
B: Power Clean tough more than 7 minutes
C:Russian Kettle Bell Swing 2 Pood x 15 rest 1 minute x 4
D: 20 Air Squats AFAP

A: Deadlifts felt good...I did 325#'s each set of 3
B: Earlier Power Clean work helped this go smooth triple was 150#'s felt good
C: Swings were good hips were starting to burn at this point
D: 20 Air Squats put me over the top got thru them quickly...

Good day...Good WOD for the Box as well...nice to see everyone working hard on form and pushing thru...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday August 24 2011

So I have been working days the past few weeks...its been nice being home at night with the I have been getting somewhat better sleep...on the nights I haven't got called back out I have been getting 7-8 hours...

A: Strict weighted chin ups 5-7  rest 2 minutes x 5
B: Clean Pulls @ 115% of 1RM of Power Clean 2-3 rest 2 minutes x 3
C: Dumbell Extensions ROT with 15# @ 3010 6-8 rest  1 minute x 2
D: Back Extensions @ 4022 10-12 rest 1 minute x 3

A: I did 5 each round with a 35# kettlebell...the last two sets were tough...stayed with constant weight throughout...I was happy
B: This was the first time I did these...I think I did them right..they felt good...The weight was 165#'s..did some dry runs with an empty bar...ummm they were a lot easier..have to do some next time the Coach is at the box to be sure..
C: I forgot tough these were..I dropped the ball...should have been doing these on my own...felt good..
D:Back Extension went good...did 12 each round...was nice to do them with out the med ball...

Good day overall...


Up with my girls in the morning:

Meal #1: Eggs and bacon with coffee...Fat 19g  Carb...3.5g   Protein...22.4g
Meal # 2: Beef Patty with small salad   Fat 19.7g    Carb...6.4g   Protein...30.8g
Meal # 3: Small Chicken Breast with salad   Fat...6.9g   Carb...6.4g   Protein...27g
Snacks: Pro Bar, Pro Shake, Nuts    Fat...22.4g   Carb....38.6g   Protein...83.2g

Totals:   Fat 68g....Carb  54.9g.... Protein  163.5g

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 23 2011

Well Hello I'm back.....Took a short vacation to Georgia and came back with a severe sinus put me down for the count...I tried to come back last week but after other SWAT guys offering to call EMS for me I took more time off....But today I felt good and was glad to be back at it...

A: Back Squat @ 40X1 3-4 tough Rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Accumulate 300 seconds (5 minutes) in the Front Leaning Rest position on rings
C: 30m accelerates to 80% walk back...walk is rest x 9
D: Toes 2 Rings x 5 slow rest 1 minute x 3

A: I did 185#'s on the back squats...the tempo was seemed like I was never going to get to the bottom.
B: WOW this was tough...After the first round it really burned...I did in 1 min 30, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute and last 30 seconds...seemed like it was never going to end.
C: I enjoyed these..there was a light rain outside and had cooled off soom...could have stayed out there longer
D: The slow tempo made these was hard to slow down I wanted to go fast.

All in all it was good to be back....I felt good and liked my performance.

I was at the Box late in the day do to work...I prefer to hit it first thing in the morning but thats not gonna happen...

Meal #1: Eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee...Fat 19g  Carb 3.5g  Protein 22.4g
Meal #2: Paleo Chilli and some nuts   Fat 41g.....Carb  34.5g....Protein  50.4g
Meal #3: Chicken Breast with a salad    Fat 9g....Carb  6.4g....Protein...35.4g
Snacks: Protein bar, Protein shake, Beef Jerkey  Fat....11g   Carb...34g   Protein....90g
Plus BCAA with glutamine after WOD

Totals: Fat 80g...Carb  78.4g...Protein  198.3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday August 10 2011

Okay some more day work so I am off my about 4 hours of sleep last night...up and at it early...hit the Box around 2pm with Jeff and Scott:

Training: First Part (yes first part):
8 Minute AMRAP-

5 Chest to Bar
10 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps

Okay I'm tired from writing was hot and humid in the box...Good Times!  I finshed 4 full rounds and got 2 box jumps on round 5

Second Part (oh yea it gets better):

4 rounds for time:

400m Run
30 Handstand Push ups
I told you it got better...
I only had 30 HSPU in round 1 I did  two and half minute holds
Round 3 I got 10 more HSPU in...but I was smoked
Took me 26:35...lots of fun..


Meal #1: Eggs and bacon
Meal #2 : Chicken breast with salad
Meal # 3: Chef Salad
Snacks: Protein Bar, Protein Shake
I had the protein shake and BCAA with glutamine right after workout

Looking forward to a good night sleep and back at it tomorrow..

Tuesday August 09 2011

Okay so I need to do some catching up.  Monday was the last day in my latest cycle of programming from Coach....It went a little something like this:

A: Find 1 Rep Max Back Squat
B: Kipping Pull Ups AMRAP -3 rest 3 minutes x 3
C: Back Ext with Med Ball under chin 10-12 rest 1 minute x 4

A: I went up 5#'s from my previous 1RM from 275 to 280#'s...happy with that
B: Kipping Pull Ups went well...I did 20, 17,16
C: Back Extentions felt good...I used the 20# Med Ball

Nutrition: I took BCAA/Glutamine right after WOD...This seems to be working...I feel better quicker..

The rest of the day was kind sporatic...I ate well just at differant times and didn't track everything....I got called into work and we were running all over town following someone...Here is what I ate over the day in one big meal:

Protein Bar, Paleo Chilli, Beef Patty, Salad, Nuts, Protein Shake,

Totals: Fat 70.7g,      Carb  70.9g    Protein   159.2g

Tuesday was even at 0330 for SWAT operation  got to the box around 3pm with Scott and did the WOD
Results were:
21,20,18,17,17  each row took between 1:03 and 1:05
Back to work until 6pm then went and played ice hockey at 7:15pm and back out working at 12am until 2am....I ate when I could during the day...stayed on course just had to eat when I got time...I'm still to tired to remeber everything, but it looked a lot like Monday....and I'm back at work since 0800...I can't remember if I slept any?????????????   And thank you to Ali for covering the 10 for me....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday August 5 2011

Started with N coffee this morning...up with my girls and off to the box...

A: Bench Press 55% of 1 Rep Max @ 20X1 10 reps of 2 with 45 rest between sets
B: 1 Turkish Get Up each arm on the minute for 10 minutes
C:100 walking lunges for time

A: I did 115#'s for the presses..they went good and I worked on form...
B: Okay eah minute seemed to go by faster and faster...I used 35# kettlebell
C: Walking did my legs took 3:00 minutes to get thru

Starwberries and BCAA and glutamine right afterwards then bacon and eggs again  Fat 19.8g  Carb 13g  Protein...25g
Post WOD#2: Nuts and protein bar Fat 20.4g....Carb   32.6g   Protein....35.2
Post WOD #3: Chicken breats and salad...Fat 9g.....Carb...6.4g....Protein...35.4g
Snack: Protein Shake: Fat 2g....Carb....6g...Protein....48g

Totals: Fat....51.3g     Carb.....58g    Protein....143.6

Thursday August 4 2011

Jose made sure we would remember SWAT training...He found one of his crazy SEAL, RANGER or whatever flavor of the week it was workouts and had us do it with him...Good Times!

Anyway up with a cup of coffee and off to the box...

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 5011 3-5 reps 1 minute rest between legs x 4
B: Dumbell russian Step Ups AMRAP in 60 seconds x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD sit ups 5 sets of 10 rest 15 seconds

A: Tempo made them interesting I used 35# dumbells...legs were still a little tired from yesterday...went well
B: I used 25# dumbells for these...a little tougher than I thought they would be...16-15-15 per round.
C: AMRAP strict chin these hurt I got in 5 full rounds...hurt in a good way..
D: GHD Sit much fun as the airdyne...took me 3:22 to get thru minus the rest it was 2:22
Good training day...I took Tuesday as a rest day I was just feeling drained after the weekend...

Strawberries and BCAA with glutamine afterwards and then with in the hour eggs and bacon...Fat 19.8g  Carb..13g  Protein...25g
Post WOD #2: Deli Roast Beef and nuts....Fat  16.9g   Carb...9.6g    Protein...17.2g
Post WOD # 3: Chicken breast with green beans  Fat 13g....Carb   10.7g....Protein   36g
Post WOD#4: Protein Shake  Fat...2g   Carb....10.7g    Protein...48g
Snack: Protein Bar Fat 8g...Carb...24g...Protein....30g

Fat...59.9g   Carb...63.2g    Protein...156.2g

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday August 1 2011

So after a busy weekend of hockey it was back to the box....I have to say hockey was great although we didn't do so well it was fun playing against guys who made it to the pro level and now play in the 35 and over league.  Got to test my goalie skills against some pros and I have to say I was impressed....with them....

I had N Zero and a coffee pre workout:

A: Press @21X2 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 (compare to 7-11-11 I did 85#'s)
B: Reverse Lunge with barbell in front rack @ 30X1 8-10 per leg rest 2 minutes x3
C: Toes to rings 12-15 rest 45 seconds x 3 KIP KIP KIP

A: These are still my enemy...I bumped up to 95#'s this time I got 9 reps in the first two rounds and dropped to 90#'s the third round and got 8 reps in...These are my weak point...
B: Reverse Lunges I put 20#'s on to go at 65#'s this time...last time I did the bar...I did 9 reps per leg each round...felt good
C: Toes to rings...this was my real first exposure to these in a workout...I liked them I did 15 the first two rounds at a good steady pace...the last round I got 12 in and ran out of steam...

I started BCAA with glutamine post workout...interested to see how it makes me feel. I serving

Post WOD #1 I had to stay at the box and teach the 12 after the workout so I got a Chef salad to eat at the box.  Fat 20g.....Carb 10g....Protein 15g
Post WOD# 2: Pro Bar and nuts Fat...20.4g  Carb...32.6g   Protein...35.2g
Post WOD# 3 Small chicken breast and salad  Fat...9g    Carb...6.4g  Protein...35.4g
Post WOD #4: Protein Shake   Fat 2g....Carb 6g....Protein  48g

Totals:  Fat 51.5g    Carb  55g    Protein 133.6g

Friday July 29 2011

Not such a good night sleep again...about 5 hours...Start of the day with a cup of coffee pre-workout.

Row for 15 minutes at easy pace...I rowed at a 25-27 strokes per minute....then

Fast Farmers walk with the heaviest dumbells in the gym across the gym.
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
sprint 100 meters
Rest 5 min x 5 rounds

I could only find one Rob in the gym so I had to go with the 80#  dumbells

Round #1...I didn't plan it out very well and had stuff spread out all over the gym 1:17
Round #2...1:01
Round #3...1:04
Round #4...1:05
Round #5...1:05
I felt good the 80# dumbells got heavy...The 5 minute rest period was enough to recover and go again hard...I really liked this one


Post WOD # 1: Starwberries and eggs with apple sausage   Fat 27.4g...Carb 15.5g....Protein 32.2g
Post WOD #2: Protein Bar and Nuts   Fat 20.4g...Carb   32.6g   Protein....35.2g
Post WOD #3: Protein Shake   Fat..2g   Carb..14.6g   Protein...48g
Post WOD #4: Club Wrap...Fat 22g   Carb...55.9g    Protein....29.6g

Total   Fat...71.8g    Carb....110g    Protein...145g

My plan was to come home from work early have a nice meal and then go play hockey...well of course work had othe rplans I got called back in and had a bottle of water and then off to play hockey...two games one at 830pm and then one at 1230am long night but hockey was fun...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday July 28, 2011

Hey I got some sleep...oh wait no I didn't another night with about 4-5 hrs...can't wait for the weekend.  I did come across some liquid gold in the form of N-Zero...Thanks Jeff

A: Weighted Strict Pull Up @ 30X1 5-7 Rest 2minutes x 4
B: Dumbell Step Ups @ 4222 6-8 rest 1 minute between legs x 4
C: Peterson Step Ups 10-12 rest 1 minute between legs x 3 with dumbells
D: GH Raises @ 20X1 8-10 rest 1 minute x 4

A: I started with 35# kettle bell...I got six in but I struggled I dropped to 25# and got 5 in the next three rounds
B: Step Ups went good the I used 35#'s
C: These were differant I had to google them to see how to do them....I used the 35# dumbells again
D: GH Raises are always good...I feel these in my lower back...liked the tempo..

Post WOD#1: Banana and a protein bar...I had to teach the 10 and noon class so I ate at the box...Fat 8.4g Carb  51g   Protein 31.3g
Post WOD#2: Chef Salad with kobe turkey and ham from Jimmy P's Fat 10.3g...Carb 26.9g  Protein...52g
Snack : Nuts Fat 12.4g Carb 8.6g Protein5.2g
Post WOD#3: Beef Patty and lettuce wedge   Fat 19.4g...Carb 6.4g  Protein  30g
Late Snack; Protein Shake  Fat 2g  Carb 6g  Protein  48g

Total: Fat 52.9g  Carb 98.8g   Protein 167.4g

Wednesday July 27 2011

Sleep...Sleep...Sleep...nope still can't find it...I hate weeks like this....Day started at 0430 and ended around 2300...I tried to get some sleep but it just wasn't happening...

Cup of coffee and off to the box....

A: Bench Press @ 30X1 8-10  Rest 2 minutes x4
B: Build to 1 Rep Max Deadlift...Rest as needed
C: Hang Power Clean  3 reps Rest 2 minutes x 3 Speed Rules!
D: KBS 2 pood 15 unbroken rest 1 minute x 3

A: Bench Press felt good..I stayed at 100#'s with the tempo..I probally could have done more but I looking forward to the deadlift.
B: I was very excited when I saw this as I feel my deadlift was getting stronger...I set a new PR with 365#'s...I was disapointed that I only went up 5#'s I really thought I would be closer to 370-375#'s...I tried 375#'s got it off the floor a little but couldn't finish...Lack of sleep, diet, I don't know but at least I went up..
C: Hang Power Cleans went well at 135#'s...speed did rule the first two rounds went really a little sloppy on the third, I think the deadlift was still bothering me..
D: KBS....These went real well...I used my hips and was ready to go at the end of each minute rest...I may have been a little angry at this point over the deadlift and used that energy...

Post WOD # 1 :  3/4 cup of strawberries and then within the hour 3 eggs and apple sausage...Fat 27.4g CArb 15.5g  Protein 32.2g
Post WOD #2: Another chicken apple sausage and some nuts, protein bar  Fat 32.4g  Carb 35.6g  Protein 47.2
Post WOD # 3: Paleo Chilli   Fat 28.6g   Carb  25.9  Protein 45.2
Late night snack: Protein shake....Fat 2.0g   Carb 6.0g  Protein  48.0g

Totals: Fat 90.4g  Carb 83g Protein 172.6g

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26 2011

Ok so we are back at no sleep worked until 10pm and...up at 0430 to head back into work...about 5 hrs sleep.

Didn't make it to the box until about 5pm...I've learned that I do better in a fasted state and like working out early in my day...oh well win some lose some

My old friend the airdyne bike...
30 seconds at 80%
30 seconds at 50%
x 30  Rest 2 minutes off bike every 6th set

I wore the heart monitor to get some numbers
Starting Heart Rate 54
Round 1 168 after 2 minute break 103
Round 2 170 after 2 minute break 112
Round 3 171 after 2 minute break 113
Round 4 172 after 2 minute break 118
Round 5 173 after 2 minute break 118
After 20 minutes off the bike I was down to 89
I felt good the first two rounds after that I battled thru it...I kept the RPM between 70 and 75 at 80% and 55 and 60 at 50%.  I was cooked again at the end it was hot and it hurt, but hey I had fun...

Coffe of course in the morning then a protein bar with strawberries  Fat 8.3g  Carb 3.8g  Protein 30.8g
Meal #1 : 4 oz chicken breast and nuts Fat 20.1g Carb 8.6g Protein 38.7g
Meal # 2:  Buffalo chicken salad at Subway Fat 2.5g Carb  9.0g  Protein 19g
Meal # 3: Salald and beef patty  Fat   19.7g  Carb 6.4g Protein 30.8g
Late snack: Protein shake  Fat 2g  Carb 6g  Protein 48g

Total: Fat 53.8g     Carb 62.7g    Protein  167.2g

Long day but a good day.....To Coach, Ali, Jeff and the rest of the Redliners going to Cali..have fun...see ya's

Monday July 25 2011

Ok so I have some catching up to do.  Last week was a little odd, my schedule was a little crazy.  Had school from Wed to Fri and also had to do some work with my team.  Anyway I just did the WOD of the day most of the week and took some extra rest.  Monday I was back on schedule.

I had the usual cup of coffee before the WOD...

A: Barbell bentover row @ 30X1; 10-12 reps; Rest 2 minutes x 4
B: Barbell Back Squat @ 30X1; 6-8 reps; Rest 3 minutes x 4
C: 1 Set back squat w/135#'s 20 reps keeping pace constant
D: Dumbell Back Extentions @ 4022; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute x 3

A: Rows were good I felt good...Could probally a little weight next time.  I did 12 reps each time...last set was the hardest.
B: Tempo again kept me honest...could feel the burn in my legs  rest period was enough to shake it out and go again.
C: Weight was good...last 5 were tough...after B my legs were on fire by the end...I was able to keep pace until the last five...i slowed down a little....
D: DB back extentions always get my lower back going...I did first rep with 20#'s an got 13 reps...went down to 15#'s on the last two and got 12 reps...back was screaming!!

Post WOD #1: Strawberries right after workout-3/4 cup...Fat .3g   Carb 8g...Protein .8g
Post WOD #2: about 30 minutes later three eggs and two slices of turkey bacon   Fat 19.5g   Carb 4.3g  Protein  24.2g
POst WOD #3: Protein Bar and some nuts  Fat 20.4g  Carb 32.6g  Protein 35.2g
Post WOD #4: Paleo Chili and a salad    Fat 21.7g   Carb 25.8g  Protein

Totals: Fat 62g   Carb 71.4g  Protein 96g

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday July 18 2011

Back from the weekend and a good nights sleep....8+ hrs.  Up and at it...cup of coffee to start the day..

A: In 7 minutes build to a heavy deadlift x 5. 
B: Build to a near max box jump.
C: Back Ext with Med Ball under chin 10-12 x 4 rest 1 minute between rounds
D: Kipping Pull Ups 15-20 keep them quick x 3 rest 90 secs between rounds

A: I built up to 295#'s...Feeling really stong when it comes to deadlifts...looking forward to setting new  1RM
B: I got up 38" Higher than I thought I could go
C: Back Ext's are always tough...Used the 20# Med Ball...12,12,11,12 I felt these
D: Kipping Pull Ups were good, but I wa tired...completed 17,16,15,15 keeping them quick.

Post WOD # 1: Fruit mix right after WOD  and then a  protein bar.  I stayed to teach the 10. Fat 8.3g, 48.2g Carb, 31g Protein
Post WOD # 2: Chicken/Apple sausage with nuts 24.4g Fat, 11.6g Carb,  17.2g Protein
Post WOD # 3: Beef Patty with salad 19.7g Fat, 6.4g Carb,  30.8g Protein
Post WOD # 4: Protein Shake 2g Fat, 6g Carb,  48g Carb

Totals: Fat 54.5g,  Carb 72.2g  ,   Protein 127g

This session was great.  I feel stronger and see my body changing.  Looking forward to the next program...Keep up the great work Coach

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday July 14, 2011

Ok Coach stop yelling at me!!!!!! I know I went over on the Carbs....How is it Jeff gets to drink chocolate milk and I get yelled at....LOL...Anyway not a good night sleep again lots of tossing and turning.  Once up for the day I had my cup of coffee and off to the box....

A: Bench Press @ 20X1 60% of 1RM 8 sets of 3 rest 45 seconds between sets
B: TGU- 10 Per side @ 75% effort
C: 100 Walking Lunges @ 80% no urn

A: Pressed 115# for all 8 to keep tempo felt really good
B: TGU: I used the 35# Kettlebell very strict on each step....Got tough from 7-10
C: Got through the lunges no problem.

Today felt good after yesterday...My abs are still feeling the GHD...

Post WOD #1 Banana and Protein Bar....Stayed again to teach the 10....Fat 8.4g, Carb 51g,  Protein 31.3
Post WOD #2 3 egges and bacon   Fat 26.2g  Carb 5g ,  Protein 32g
Post WOD #3 Kobe Beef patty Fat 19g,    Protein 28.9
Snack: Nuts and Protein shake   Fat 14.4g  Carb 14.6g   Protein 53.2

Total 68.5g Fat,   70.5g Carb  144.6g Protein....

Ok I am going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with 4 pre-teen to say I'll need a drink or something I shouldn't have sometime tonight....I just hope I survive!

Wednesday July 13 2011

Slept for about 6 hours last night.  Not the best night of sleep, tossed and turned some.  Up and had my cup of coffee on the way to the box.

A: DB Split squat @ 30X1 4-6 reps rest 1 min between legs x 4
B: DB Russian step up AMRAP in 60 seconds with 25# per hand rest 90 seconds between legs x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD Sit-ups  50 for time

A: These felt good I was able to get 6 reps each time...good tempo for these.  I used 35# DB
B: Why is it that something that sounds so simple can burn so much...16-17, 15-15, 13-13...these caught up to me quick.   My legs were burning afterwards
C: I really stayed strict with these I think last time I kipped a lot...I got in four once the pull up strength is gone its gone...hard to recover quickly..
D: OUCH my abs still hurt...I got them done in 3:35...keep these coming...much like the airdyne I love to hate these...

All in all I felt good today I was challenged and surprised by the workout...good times


Post WOD #1: Right after the workout I had strawberries and protein bar...I had to stay and teach the ten. Fat 8.5g,  Carb 35.7g, 31g Protein
Post WOD # 2: Buffalo chicken wrap from Tropical smoothie and a lean machine smoothie Fat 23g,  Carb 171g, Protein 42g
Post WOD# 3; I had a protein shake and some nuts 14g Fat, 14.6g Carb,  53.2g Protein

Total: Fat 45.9g  Carb 221g, 126g

Went a overboard on the more lean machines.....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday July 11, 2011

Sleep was so-so last night.  I got about 6 hrs.  Once up it was a cup of coffee and off to the box.

A: Press @ 21X2 8-10 reps rest 2 min x 3
B: Reverse Lunge with Barbell in front rack @ 30X1 6-8 per leg rest 2 min x 3
C: Knee to Elbow 10-12 rest 45 secs x 4

A: I did 85#'s on the press.  I feel stronger everywhere but I still seem to struggle with these...10 reps each rd
B:Reverse Lunge was differant and felt good...Maybe some weight next time?? 8 each round
C: Knees to to keep a good pace and complete 12 each round.

Post WOD #1: Had strawberries right after workout.  I should have brought some more to eat since I had to stick around and teach at 10 am. 11.7g Carb, 1g Protein
Post WOD # 2: 3 eggs with bacon  Fat 24g  Carb 4.7g  Protein 28.9
Post WOD# 3: Protein Bar and nuts Fat 20.4g,  Carb  32.6,  Protein 35.2
Snack: Protein Shake:  Fat 2g  ,  Carb 6g,  48g Protein
Post WOD #4:  Ground Beef Patty and Salad  Fat 19.7g,  Carb 6.4g  Protein 31g

Totals: Fat 66.6g  Carb 61.4g   Protein 143.9g

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday July 8 2011

Better sleep today got about 8 hours last night.  Up with my girls then off to the box.
Back to my routine with a cup of coffee pre workout.


Run for 12 minutes at 65% max HR then...
Sprint through each set:
10 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Air Squats
10 DB ground to overhead w 25 #'s
Rest 5 minutes x 5

Run was a nice warm up got the heart rate up and felt good

Ok the rest not so much fun...
I was able to keep a good pace through all the rounds...everything unbroken each time...did I mention it was hot at the box....

Post WOD #1 fruit and then chicken breast with a salad Fat 13.6g, Carb 18.1g Protein 53.2g

Meal #2 Nuts and deli ham Fat 29.3g,   Carb 10.6g   Protein 25.2g

Snack :  Shake Fat 2g,   Carb 6g  Protein 48g

Meal# 3: Pulled Pork and salad  45.7g Fat,  6.4g Carb, 75g Protein

Totals: Fat 77.3g,  Carb. 41.1, Protein 201g

Thursday July 7, 2011

So even less sleep than last night...up really early for a SWAT operation and then out in the heat all day.  Nutrition was a little off today.  Between the lack of sleep and having a hard time with it being my dads B-Day and him not with us anymore I had a rough day and didn't eat much. It was good to get to the box and get my mind on something else. 

Meal #1:Two eggs scrambled with fruit and veggies in the eggs. Fat 12.7g, Carb12.9, Protein 13.3

Snack: Nuts Fat 12.4g, Carb 8.6, Protein 5.2g

Meal#2: Protein Bar Fat 8.0g, Carb 24g, Protein 30g

Meal #3: Protein Shake and a salad w deli ham Fat5.3g, Carb14.4, Protein 69.9g

Totals: 38.4g Fat, 59.9g Carb, 118.4g Protein

A: Weighted Strict Pull-Ups 30X1 5-7 reps rest 2 min x 3
B: DB Ste-Ups @ 4222 8-10 reps rest 1 minute between legs x 4
C: Reverse Sled Drag @ 185#'s constant pace 60 sec rest 3 minutes x 4
D: GH Raises x 10-12 rest 1 minute x 5

A: Completed 7 reps each round I used 25# Kettle Bell each time
B: Steps always sound and look so easy, but they burn...I used 35# dumbells
C: It was pouring out when I did this so I thought it would a little easier  wrong...the sled moved easier but my feet were slipping plus there was a lot o tree deris on the ground...the sled would come to a dead stop when I found a twig...made it fun...
D: GH Raises...ok so as if my legs weren't burning enough the raises killed them...this was my first exposure to this felt good...after the first couple and I worked the kinks out..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6, 2011

So the good night sleep ended..Early morning search warrant and SWAT training day took care of about 4 to 5 hours...

Got to the box after SWAT training...I'll start with nutrition since I had a few meals prior:

1st meal was Protein Bar and a banana...Fat 8.5g....Carb 51.7g....Protein 31.3

2nd meal was Deli ham and peperoni with a protien shake....Fat 27.8g....Carb 10.3....Protein 79.5g

Post WOD I snacked on some nuts....Fat 12.4g....Carb 8.6g....Protein 5.2g

Last Meal Grilled Talpia with a salad and mixed steamed veggies...Fat 8.7g....Carb 16.3g....Protein 52.5g

Then to the Box after a cup of coffee of course:...Training

A: Wide Grip Bench Press with a 40X1 Tempo 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Deadlift with a 2201 tempo 6-4-2-4-6 rest 3 minutes between sets x 4
C: Hang Power Clean 3 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 Speed over weight
D: Kettle Bell Swings (heavy) x 15 rest i minute x 3

A: I did 105#'s up from 100# the last time I did this...I felt really good and probally could have pushed more, but again I wanted to be strict with the tempo..
B: I deadlifted 260# and felt good..I started out at 235 but could tell I could do more even with the tempo...looking forward to 1RM on Deadlift I know I'm going up...
C: I kinda overestimated the difference between this and standard power clen...I tried 135 but it killed me..I had to go down to 115 to follow the speed over weight...At this weight I was able to have good form and be fast.
D: I did the 2Pood all three rounds...unbroken on the first two and a 10-5 split on the last...really wanted three unbroken but my grip wouldn't allow it..

Nutrition Totals....Fat 57.4g....Carb 86.1g...Protein 168.1.....WOW I did I got my protein intake right!!!!

Tuesday July 5, 2011

Good night sleep got about 7 hours.  Got up had the cup of coffee and off to the box.

Training: Airdyne Bike ( I can't call it want I want to)...

30 Sec @ 80%
30 Sec @ 50%
x 30.....Rest 2 minutes every 5th set.

Results: I HATE THE BIKE!!!!!!!!!!..But it's a good hate...
Made it through all the sets...the 2 minute rest was just enough to shake my legs out and not get in my car and leave..It was good workout, really tested my endurance...I hope to see it again...wait did I just write that??

Post WOD #1 I hade 1 cup of strawberries I had to go to work right after so I had a protein bar with in the hour afterwards..Fat 8.5g, Carb 35.7g, Protein31g

Post WOD #2 Deli Ham Slices and Deli Pepperoni Slices with some nuts..Fat 38.2g,  Carb 12.9g,  Protein 36.7g

Post WOD #3 Chicken Breast with Chopped tomatoes and broccoli..FAt 17.2g,  Carb 16.1g,  Protein 57.4g

Late Snack...Salad 

Totals:  Fat 64.3g,....  Carb 71g,....Protein 127g....Gotta work on upping my Protein intake...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I am back at after some time off....Things at work are back to normal and hopefully no more 23 hr days.

Good night sleep after celebrating the 4th a day early...

Had the usual cup of coffee prior to WOD.

A: Barbell Bent over row @ 30X1; 8-10 reps 2 min rest x4
B: Back Squat @ 30X1; 3-5 Reps; 3 min rest x 4
C: DB Forward Lunge to a 4" step; 10-12 reps per leg rest 1 min x 3
D: DB Back Extension @ 4022; 10-12 reps 1 min rest x 3

A: I worked up to 100 #'s with this...I started at 85# I wasn't sure how the tempo was going to affect me...100#'s was the right amount completed 10 reps each time.
B: Back Squat was good my 1RM is 275# so I did 200#'s about 75% of 1RM...I did 5 each time and the tempo was tough on rounds 3-4..
C:Forward lunge was interesting with the 4" step...I was suprised at the amount of difference it made..I could feel it each time on the push off in the back of my thigh...completed 12 reps each time..I used 20# db's
D: DB back ext.   I really feel these in my lower back...even in the latter part of 1st round...I used a 15# dumbell...I completed 12 reps each round except round 4...I could only get 10 reps in..
All in all I was satisfied with effort..I did some of the gym WOD's last week so I didn't completely stop working out..but my nutrition was lacking...

Post WOD #1(right after WOD)- 1 cup of strawberries and then with in the hour after two eggs with chicken sausage. 22g Fat, 17g Carb, 26g Protein

Post WOD #2 Nuts and Protein Bar... 20g Fat, 32g Carb, 35g Protein

Post WOD #3 Salad with Chicken and spaghetti squash with chopped tomatoes...17g Fat, 16g Carb, 53g Protein..

Totals: 60g Fat, 66g Carb, 114g Protein (Fit Day)

Plus Fish Oil.... 2 teaspoons

After over eating and drinking this weekend I tried to keep it simple  and I know I need to get my protein levels up...I'll do better tomorrow..... today I feel Huuuuuuugaaaa.........

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Ok so I made it to the box today and got my workout in...then things got a little silly...I have been working a homicide case..things got interesting today and I ended up working 27 straight hours with 12 of them being spent in Miami chasing down leads on the suspect...after a long night we returned to Naples about 730am today..I was a little tired and but had to get the girls to camp...anyway about 4pm the call came in that the Miami US Marshalls had picked up the shooter and our work yesterday paid I never made it to the box today..hopefully I can get some good workouts in the next few days....glad to bring this case to a close...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27, 2011

Ok I was out of town last week at the Police Olympics playing hockey....we came in third and took home the Bronze Medal....Proud of the team...My plan was to get back at it today...unfortunatly work had other plans...called in at 0530 this morning and got home at 7pm...not how I planned on spending the day...So tomorrow I will be back at it...stand by....Coach Anthony has given me another great 10 days of workouts...looking forward to hitting it....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

Hello All...Well the weekend was somewhat of a rest period for me..I played inline hockey on Saturday morning for about 2 hrs..Sunday I got up and ran a 5k and then played  ice hockey later in the afternoon...had a great Fathers Day with my girls, Terry and my mom...

Well anyway back at it today.  I did todays WOD..

A: Dumbell Split Squats @ 50X1 4-6 reps rest 1 minute b/t legs x4
B: Lunges with 45# Plate Overhead 16 total steps 90 secs rest b/t sets x 3
C: KBS 15 with 1 min rest between sets x 3
D: Side Bridges 30 sec with 10 sec rest 3x's each side

A: Liked the Tempo used 30#'s should have gone heavier
B This was fun...16 steps with no problem
C: Used the 2POD first 2 sets unbroken 3rd 10-5
D: Nice ending to the day...

I actually ate something pre WOD about an hour and half prior I had 2 eggs with bacon and cup of coffee.
21.1g Fat, 2.3g Carb, 21.8g Protein

Post WOD I had nothing for a while..I forgot my had to stay and teach..

Post WOD about two hours later Deli Turkey slices and salad. 1.3g Fat, 6.4g Carb, 23.9g Protein

Snacks: Mixed nuts 12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carb, 5.2g Protein

Last Meal: Burger and salad 19.7g Fat, 6.4g Carb, 30g Protein

Late Snack Protein Shake..2g Fat, 6g Carb, 48g Protein

Total...56.6g Fat, 29.7g Carb, 129.7g Protein

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011

OK so I don't remember when yesterday ended and today began...Late night surveillance for an early Search Warrant..I think I slept for about an hour in my truck in the parking lot of Special Ops...oh yea I closed my eyes for the ride back from Everglades...another 40 minutes maybe...yea um I be tired..

I was able to get up cup of coffee before the WOD

A: In 7 Min build to a heavy 3 Power Clean
B: In 7 Min from Power Clean build to a heavy 3 Deadlift
C: DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-10; Rest 1 min x 4
D: Kipping Pullups x 10 AFAP; Rest 1 min. x 5

A: Built to 155#'s my 1RM prior was 155# so very happy
B: Built to 325# DL...1 RM is 350#'s again very happy
C: DB Back ext I went with 15#'s it was heavy, but it was to far and I was too tired to walk across the Box and switch it thru it with 10-10-8-8 reps
D: Kipping Pullups went good I was able to do all the rounds unbroken except for the last round...

I had some fruit and deli ham slices after the WOD...3.3g FAt, 26.2g Carb, 21g Protein

Meal #1: Thinkthin Bar  8.0g Fat, 25.0g Carb, 20.0 Protein

Meal# 2: Eggs and Chicken Apple Sausage..36.2g Fat, 7.3g Carb, 36.3g Protein

I think the lack of sleep killed my hunger...I will have a protein shake after I post so I'll add it...2g Fat, 7.3g Carb,48g Protein

Totals...49.5g Fat, 64.5g Carb, 125.g protein....and by the way I'm still tired....

So this was the end of my first two week training program from was fantastic...I can see change in my body already...I feel stronger and have a better understanding of my weaknesses...I can't thank him enough for the keep it coming and I look forward to the next round....See Ya's

Thursday June 16, 2011

Not a bad nights sleep again...Good 6-7 hours.  Up early with the girls and heading to camp and the box.

Pre WOD had suprise, suprise a cup of coffee.


A:Bench Press @ 30X1; 55% 1Rep Max; 8 sets of 2 Rest 45 secs between sets
B:KBS 15 Moderate weight; rest 1 min x3
C:100 Walking lunges @ 80%-stop when it burns

Nice recovery day.  Everything felt good...after a long day yesterday this is what I needed.

Post WOD Meal #1 :Had my fruit followed by steak and eggs. 25.4g FAT, 26.7g CARBS, 81.7g Protein

Post WOD Meal # 2 : Carrots, Deli Ham Slices..17.3g Fat, 21g Carb, 21.2g Protein

Snack: Nuts  12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carb, 6.4g Protein

Last Meal: Paleo Chili , Salad 14.6g Fat, 19.4g Carb, 24.5g Protein

Snack: Larabar 8.0g Fat, 25.0g Carb, 21.9g Protein

Totals 77.7g Fat, 101.2g Carb, 152.6g Protein

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Not a bad nights sleep last a good 6-7 hours.  Hit the Box early as it was a SWAT training day.

Pre guessed it cup o' coffee

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 30X1; 8-10 reps; rest 1 min between legs x4
B: Dumbell Russian Step Ups @ 20X1; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C: As many strict 1-4 Pull Up ladders as possible in 10 mins
D: GHD Sit ups 50 for time

A: used the 25# dumbells and did 10 reps each round...felt good
B: used 25# dumbells and did 15 per round..felt good should have increased the weight
C: I completed 7 full ladders in the 10 mins...this was tough
D: Kind of got off track called for work and was on the phone and radio while trying to complete..I was on track for doing 10 at a time and resting 30-40 secs between...have to do this again to get time..

Fruit right after workout and a protein plan was to go to SWAT an PT side tracked with work, but was able to make it for the the O-Course.2.3g Fat, 30.2g Carb, 49g Protein

Post WOD Meal# 2 or snackins as Jose would say...Carrots and Deli Ham...17g Fat, 21g Carb, 21g Protein

Post WOD Meal #3 Two chicken apple sausage links and a salad with nuts..36.4g Fat, 26g Carb, 31g Protein.

Snack...Thinkthin Bar...8g Fat, 25g Carb, 20g Protein

Totals:  64.4g Fat, 97.8g Carb, 121.3g Protein

Long Hot Day...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday June 14, 2011

Good night sleep got about 7 hours...stayed up a little later hoping the Canucks would mount a comeback and raise the cup in the Garden, oh well I guess they will do it in Vancover.  Hit the Box early again today.  Pre WOD had a cup of coffee.

5 sets of 3 heavy rest...20 seconds @ 100% on airdyne...then rest 5 minutes.

I called Anthony some bad names, but got thru it.  I lifted 305#'s for all 5 sets.  My legs were smoked...the 5 minute rest was enough to let get thru the next round , but not enough that I felt completely recovered, more so in the later rounds..I liked it though..I really felt like I was pushing myself   good WOD.

Post WOD right after I had the cup of fruit...when I got home I had the paleo pancakes and 4 slices of bacon. 25.5g Fat, 75.4g Carb, 21.2g protein.

Post WOD #2 Deli Ham Slices and a salad. 3g Fat, 8.4g Carbs, 21.9g Protein

Snack Mixed nuts and deli ham...13.9g Fat, 9.6g Carb, 15.2g Protein

Post WOD # # NY Strip Steak on the grill and fresh steamed green beans and carrots...29.6g Fat, 30.7g Carb, 67.3g Protein.

Snack Deli Ham for 10g Protein

Totals..71g Fat, 125g Carbs, 129.1g Protein

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13, 2011

Back at it after the weekend off.  Slept OK last night could have gotten more sleep, but I kept waking up for some reason.  Got about 6 good hours.  Hit the Box early today.  Had the standard cup of coffee pre workout.

A: Press @ 21X2 ; 5x5; rest 3 min between sets
B: Front Squat @ 30X1; 8-6-4-2 Rest 20 Secs
C: 2 Rope asscents; 1 no legs & 1 with legs; rest 3 mins
D: Side Bridge; 30 secs/side rest 10 secs 3x/side

I did the Presses at 100# (1RM 125#).  They were tough.  I wanted to do more , but this is where I struggle, plus the tempo was tough.  I tried to keep good form, squeezing everything as I pressed.
Front Squats felt real good.  Again I based them off my 1RM max of 175#, With the tempo in mind I was able to do 125#'s.  I probally could have done more , but as I've learned in the past the tempo keeps you honest, plus I wanted to keep strict form.
Rope asscent went good.  The first one with no legs was tough.  My shoulders and arms were pretty tired already.  After the rest and using my legs I had no problem.
Side Bridges are always tough at the end.  I was spent and these completely drained me

I had a cup of fruit right after the WOD..a little later than I wanted to I had the rest of the meal..had to stop before getting home to pick Kailee up from getting her braces on...anyway then I had two scrambled egges with 4 slices of bacon and chopped peppers. 23.4g Fat, 31.1g Carbs, 23.4g Protein

Post WOD Meal #2 Deli Ham Slices and carrots 15.8g Fat, 20.5g Carbs, 11.2g Protein

Snack: Nuts 12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carbs, 5.2g Protein

Last Meal: Paleo Chilli and a salad  (I pulled the number from FITDAY, I'm guessing my chilli was a little better, but this should be close enough) 14.3g Fat, 19.4g Carb, 23.5g Protein

Snack; larabar 9g Fat, 13g Carb, 10g Protein

Totals: 66.3g Fat, 79.6g Carb, 64.3g Protein

I didn't realize how low my protein intake was today....I had a protein shake after I posted this to bring it up..another 50g protein for total of 114g still low...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday June 10, 2011

Sleep what is that?  Who needs it?  Maybe got a total of three hours between the two times I got to put my head down.  At the box early today after a SWAT op.  Had the usual cup of coffee prior to workout.


Run for 10 minutes at 65% (Zone 1) then:

10 Burpees As Fast as Possible

10 Stepping Lunges

10 KBS

Rest 6 min x 5


I have to say I felt better than I thought I would.  My legs were tight during the run from yesterday but by the time I was done they had loosened up.  Rest period was enough to fully recover I felt I was ready to go at the end of the 6th minute. At the end of the first round I just walked around for the rest period, 2nd I got on the Airdyne, 3rd I rowed and the 4th I jumped rope.

Meal 1:  1 cup of fruit right after WOD. About 1/2 hour later two scrambled eggs with 4 slices of bacon. 19g Fat, 27g Carb, 23g Protein

Snack: Larabar: 9g Fat, 31g Carb, 4g Protein

Meal 2: Ham Slices and salad 1.3g Fat,  12.4g Carb, 19.9g Protein

Snack: Think Thin Bar: 8g Fat, 25g Carb, 20g Protein

Meal 3: Two Chicken Apple Saugages 3/4 cup Broccoli 27.9g Fat, 15.9g Carb,  29.7g Protein

Snack: Carrotts, Power Crunch Bar 27g Fat, 29.5g Carb, 14.2g protein

I was hungry all day today...I don't if it was from the lack of sleep or the workout, but I had to eat...

Great week and great programming.  I felt challanged everyday...Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow..See Ya's

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday June 9, 2011

Sleep was not my friend again.  We were out late last night on a mission so I didn't get in until close to 1am.  I guess I got around 5hrs of sleep.  Today was the last day of school so that may improve my sleep a little.  Anyway it was off to the box first thing in the morning.  I had the usual cup of joe prior to workout.

A: Strict Chin Ups @ 30X1 6-8 Reps Rest 3 min x 3
B: Dumbell Step Ups @ 4222 10-12 Reps Rest 1 min between legs x 4
C; Reverse Sled Drag @ 165#'s Constant Pace at toe heel step for 60 seconds rest 3 mins x4


Well I had the pleasure of having Laura join me for the workout.  It was nice because misery loves company.  The chin ups were good, again the tempo added to the challange.  I felt really good and probally could have added a little weight.  It was hard not to kip.
The DB Step Step Ups were a challange, the tempo kept me honest, but made it hard to keep steady.  When I was lowering my left leg I could feel my right leg all over the place and had to put my foot against the box a few times.  When lowering my right leg I felt more stable and in control again showing my left leg is dominate.
Reverse Sled was drag was fun.  Once I got the proper step down I found it easy to keep the pace and the sled wasn't that heavy.  Could have easily dragged more.  It was a unique burn in the knee area and made you work.

Post WOD: Had my fruit right after the WOD again and then 3 scrambled eggs mixed with ham slices added 4 slices of turkey bacon to up the protein.  25.8g Fat, 30g Carb, 39.9g Protein

2nd Meal: Ham slices and salad with some almonds: 34.6g Fat, 18g Carb, 33.9g Protein

3rd Meal: Chicken Breast with Broccoli and one link of chicken apple sausage: 29g Fat, 12g Carb, 68g Protein

Snack: Carrotts and Beef Jerkey: 17.3g Fat, 31.5g Carb, 46.2g Protein.

Todays Total: 106g Fat, 92.9g Carb, 188.1g Protein

If I have forgotten to mention I do take Fish Oil every day.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

Oh so tired today...After getting home from hockey I was all wound up...we lost but it was a chippy game with some good scrums in front of the net....Played against a guy from Philly who played like me so it was fun...we went at it pretty good...lots of verbal abuse back and forth...anyway I'm dead tired today I think I got 4 hrs sleep if I was lucky...Pre WOD I had a cup of coffee..


A: Bench Press @ 4022 x 4 rest 3 mins between rds
B: Build to a quick 5 Deadlift (clean grip) Rest as needed
C: Power Clean 3 reps x 3 rest 2 mins between rds
D: 15 Heavy KBS x 3 rest 1 minute between rds

I tried to go heavy on the Bench Press, but again I under estimated the tempo..I tried 125# way to heavy..I went down to 105# for Rd 1 and went down again to 100# for the remainder of the rds.  100#'s was good I could keep good form yet the last few were tough...I have to learn to check my ego at the door.

I quickly built to 225#'s on the Deadlift and was able to ge the five reps in with the clean grip...Again the grip was the difference on 4 and 5 I had to pause a little longer to re-adjust my grip, but I stayed on the bar...

Power Cleans went really well...I did 145#'s and felt good...I felt like my form was good for all the rounds..I felt like I could do more, but my form would have suffered so I stayed with the 145#

KBS..I went with the 2Pood for the first forearms and grip were not happy so I had to go down to the 53#...rds 2 and 3 felt good I felt like I was pulling the bell back down instead of letting it felt light after the Power Cleans.

My hips were sore from hockey, but once I warmed up I felt good...I thought my legs would be worse after the airdyne and hockey, but I felt good just tired from lack of sleep...

Fruit Mix again right after WOD and about 45 minutes later when I got home I made the Paleo Pancakes from Natilies BLOG...2 Bananas,egg and Almond Butter using coconut oil for cooking...very tasty
25.5g Fat, 75.4g Carb, 21.2g protein.

Second Meal: Deli Ham Slices and salad.  3g Fat, 5g Carb, 21.9g Protein

Snack: Almonds, deli ham slices, 31.3g Fat, 10g Protein, 1g carbs

Last Meal: Chicken Breast and broccoli: 17g Fat, 9.9g Carbs, 56g Protein

Late Snack: Lara Bar and Protein shake: 9g Fat, 31g Carb, 4g Protein

Totals 81g Fat, 136g Carb, 161g Protein

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011

I got a good night sleep and felt good in the morning. I had a cup of coffee before hitting the box.

Training: Airdyne (which should be a four letter word):
30 sec at 85%
30 sec at 50%
x 25
rest for 2 mins every fifth set:

Can you say suck it! I don't understand how such an innocent looking piece of equipment can be so miserable. The first two sets were good and the two minute break aloud for most of the feeling in my legs to come back. After that it was pure torture...5 to 10 secs in at 85% and my legs were on fire. If had trained on the Airdyne prior to the Police Unity Tour, I think I might have been able to set a new record.

Post WOD right after training: Mixed Fruit again then about 15 mins later two hard boiled eggs, small bag of carrots and some thin turkey slices.
25g Fat,26g Carb,31g Protein

2nd Meal (about 3 hrs later) Salad with Ham Slices:
3g Fat, 8g Carb, 21g Protein

Snack: Mixed Nuts: 12g fat, 8g carbs, 5g Protein

Last Meal: Chicken Breast on the grill and @ 1 cup of steamed broccoli
17g Fat, 9g Carb, 55g Protein

Then I played a game of Ice Hockey at 9:45pm

Totals for the day: 58.7g Fat, 53.5g Carb, 114.8g Protein.
It should be interesting to see how my legs feel in the morning....

I thought my Blog had been hacked by a man lover when I saw the photo of Tom Brady in my followers, then I realized it was Magner and I realized I was half right,  it wasn't hacked...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday June 6, 2011

Ok so last week was a false start.  Taking Anthony's advice I took a rest period before starting.  So today is Day 1 so here we go. 

A: Dumbell Bent Over Row at 30X1,12-15 reps,90 secs x 4
B: Back Squat at 30X1, 4-6 Reps, Rest 3 mins. x 4
C: Dumbell Walking Lunges 10 steps each leg, Rest 45 secs x 3
D: Dumbell Back Extentions at 4022, 10-12 Reps Rest 1 min x 3

I did the bent over rows with 25# dumbells.  I felt good.  The weight seemed right, the last few were heavy with the tempo.
The Back Squat felt good as well.  I haven't done them in a while so started off at 175#'s.  This was heavy and I went down to 155# and found that to be a little light.  I went up to 165#'s for the last two reps and it felt good.  The tempo got me on this one and I under estimated it the first round.
The dumbell walking lunges I did at 30#'s and it felt right.  They weren't easy, but I got through them without stopping.  Hard to believe that such a simple move can be so tough.
Dumbell Back extentions were tough.  I used a 10# dumbell.  The tempo again was killer.  I did 10 reps each round and the last few of each round were tough.

Pre WOD I had nothing but a cup of coffee
Post WOD right after workout I had 1 cup of mixed fruit(watermelon/grapes/strawberries/cantalope) and 2 scrambled eggs with chicken aplle sausge..24.g carbs/22g fat/25g Protein

Snack: Almonds 7g fat/3g Carbs/3g Protein

Meal #2 : Beef Patty with 1 cup of steamed broccoli...18g Fat/10g Carbs/27g Protein

Snack: Mixed Nuts(almonds/cashews/pecans/brazil/hazel) and Protein Shake....6g fat/10g Carbs/53g Protein

Totals:53g Fat/60g Carbs/113g Protein (number pulled from Fit Day)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday May 31, 2011

My goal is lean out and become more fit.  My current status is 41 years old, 5'7" and weigh 172lbs.  I would like to lean out and get down to 155-160 range, but I don't want to lose any strengh.  I need to work on anything that involves an overhead press or similir movement.  I have met with Anthony and he has agreed to set the program for me...So 3-2-1 here we go:

Today I did the WOD:

5 Rounds of:

9 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95#'s
12 Box Jumps @ 27"
15 KBS @ 53#'s
Active Rest of 4 minutes between Rds.

I felt good the first two rounds..round three the thrusters started to get heavy and I slowed down..Fourth and Fifth round I had to break the thrusters into three sets of three...the box jumps for those rounds were 8-4 and the KBS on the fourth rd I did 8-7 and unbroken again in the fifth round.  I was still feeling Murph from Monday.
I got 7-8 hrs of sleep...I didn't sleep good I woke up about three times during the night.

I did not eat anything pre-workout...I had a cup of coffee just prior to getting to the box.

Post Workout Meals:
1. About an hour after :  2 eggs scrambled with ham slices 19.6g Fat, 2.2g Carbs, 21.3g Protein
2. Four hrs after: Beef Patty (cooked on my new monster grill w/charcoal) and 8-10 spears of asparagus steamed: 18.1g Fat, 6.5g Carb, 25.4g Protein
3. Grilled Chicken Breast @ 8 oz, small salad, 10-15 spears of asparagus: 22.9g Fat, 46.1g Protein, 6.4g Carb
Snack: Small bag carrott sticks, protein shake, almonds: 30.2g Fat, 24g Carb,56g Protein

I took Fish Oil Pills as well (5 @ 1400mg)

Total: 106.3g Fat, 154g Protein, 123g Carbs (info pulled from Fit-Day)