Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

This was from Wednesday before Thanksgiving:

A: WTD pullups w/10% body weight, AMRAP -1 rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Strict Chin Ups @ body weight AMRAP rest 2 minutes x 5

 Row max meters in 10 minutes w/45# plate under back of rower

A: 10,8,9,8 w/25#kb
B: 10,6,6,5,5
Row: 2415m

Monday Nov 28:

A: Front Squat @ 22X2 5-7 reps, rest 3 minutes x 5
B: Reverse Lunge w/BB in front rack 12 total rest 3 minutes x 3
C: Trap 3 @ 3010 6-8 each arm rest 1 minute between arms x 2

A: 7(115#), 7(135#), 7(145#), 6(155#), 6(160#)
B: 65#,85#,105# 12 each time
C: Complete w/15#

Tuesday Nov 29:

A: Work on Overhead Snatch 7 minutes
B: Few Sets of Power Cleans build to moderate weight
Then :
Power Clean x 2
10m bear crawl
2 muscle ups
10m bear crawl
rest 3 minutes x 4

A: Worked on snatch..haven't done this in a while it took some getting used to and form a few in at 65#'s
B: Built to 125#'s which i used for next part:

Power Cleans and crawl went well...Not sure what was going on with Muscle Ups but I struggled..I think it was mostly form...but I definitely need to work on them...NOT HAPPY AT ALL.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday November 21 2011

Getting ready for Thanksgiving this week....Nice cup of coffee and then todays WOD:

A: Deadlift @31X1 6,4,4,2 rest 3 minutes
B:Back Extentions 12-15 rest 45 seconds x 4

2 sets of 5 minute AMRAP

3 deadlifts @ 195#
5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb
rest 3 minutes and repeat


A: 305#,325#,335#,345#
B: 15,15,15,14

Round 1: 4 sets plus deadlifts
Round 2: 3 sets plus burpees

Deadlifts felt good today...I think I got off track on the tempo, but I lifted alot of weight.  My lower back did get tired during the back ext...from the deadlifts I guess...

AMRAP felt like I was moving in slow motion...I just felt exhusted..not sure what caused it...I'll see how I feel tomorrow...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14 2011

Still feeling Saturday...sore, but I thought I'm at the Box I might as well workout....cup of coffee and ready to go.

A: Press @ 322X2 5-7 reps rest 3 hard set
B1: AMRAP push ups on rings (-2)...No rest
B2: FLR position hold for time
C: Ext Rot with 20# 6 reps each arm rest 1 minute between x 2


A: So I was still feeling Sat.   so it was a little tough..95#(7), 95#(7), 115#(5), 95#(7)
B: 15/32...12/30....13/30
C: Complted felt it in the shoulders

Good day...hope to feel better tomorrow....

OPT Challange Saturday November 12. 2011

Saturday was great...great group of Redliners hitting it hard...had a blast...


1 rep max back squat (45 minutes)
2500m Row
3 tries at triple jump
10 rounds of
10 Burpess
10 Pull-ups

280# back squat I think I had more just ran out of time
2500m row: 10:15
Triple Jump: 19'6"
10 rounds: 15:11

This was an awsome event can't wait till the next one...
Everyone looked like they were having a blast and cheering each other on....GOOD TIMES!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday November 10, 2011

At the Box early again today and had my cup of coffee to get started...


30 minutes @
30 secs @ 75%
30 secs @ 50%

rest 1 minute after each fifth set....

results..I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS................the minute rest period was enough to get of the bike and never want to look at it again...My legs were smoked after the first thru it without slowing to much...Would it be wrong to hide the airdyne?

Tuesday November 8, 2011

At the Box after a nice cup of Joe for an early morning workout...Good night sleep so I feel good today..

A: Pendlay row @ 32X2 5-7 rest 3 minutes x 3
B; power Clean 3 sets of 3 tough but technical

7 minute AMRAP
Ground 2 overhead @ 115#'s x 1
Shoulder 2 overhead x 3
Front Squat x 5
 Deadlift x 7

A: 7 @ 85 #'s each round....tempo was tough on this..tough to keep the bar against the chest..
B: 155#, 160#, 165...stayed tight with my technique throughout..these felt good..I can feel the differance with this movement...feel much stronger at them

This was fun (if I tell myself that enough I'll believe it)..I got 5 rounds plus 2 shoulder to overhead...stayed unbroken for about the first four rounds....after the deadlifts on Monday I enjoyed the 115#'s....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7 , 2011

Nice brisk morning at the a good night I felt good and ready to go this morning.

A: Deadlift Heavy rest 3 minutes between rounds x 3
B: Back Extentions x 15 rest 45 seconds x 4


Helen (yea why not)
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KBS
12 Pull-ups

A: 365(2), 370(1), 340(2),325(1)
B: Completed

Helen: 11:15

I felt great on the DL...375 is my 1RM so this was really good for me..Felt good at first to work the lower back after with the extentions, but it got tired quick...
Ok now Helen...On the first run I knew I was going to be legs just didn't want to go...I did get them moving and got thru the first 2 rounds unbroken..third round my grip went I got thru the KBS but I had to come off the bar forearms were just burning..
Great training today....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4 2011

Good times at the Box the last two days....Redliners again proved why they are the best...very motivated...anyway here is my training for Thursday and Friday.

Coach had a two day tester for the Box so I thought what the hell I'm in:


for time:
Row 250 m
15 burpees
25 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
15 burpees
Row 250 m
Result 5:13 RX...lots of fun and energy at the Box with this one...had to stop at 15 on KBS..I think I was still feeling SWAT training from Wednesday...but still happy with my time.
Friday Tester #2
A. Standing Press - build to a 1RM - record weight in lbs
B. Weighted Chin Up - build to a 1RM - record weight of BWT + weight added as score in lbs
Set a PR with the press at 135#'s up five #'s from last time...thanks to Coach for all the programming that made this happen.
Got 80#'s on the WTD chin up..happy with Coach gave me a second WOD to do today...
3 rounds at 97%                      Results
30 Sec PC @ 95#'s                   10/12/11
30 Sec Burpees                         9/11/10
30 Sec KBS w/2 Pood              10/11/10
30 Sec Box Jumps @ 24"       10/12/12
10 minute rest between sets
HAppy with the results...should have hit it harder in round 1, but other then that I felt good...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday November 2, 2011

Oh man do I have some cathing up to do....I was out of town for most of lat week and gave my body some time to recover...Back at it this week...

A: Press @ 32X2 5-7 reps rest 3 min x 5
B:Handstand Push Ups AMRAP (-2) rest 2 min x 4
C: Dumbell Ext Rotation @ 3010 6-8 rest 1 min b/t arms x 3

Then 4 Sets
5 Burpees
15 KBS 1.5
20 walking lunges
10 GHD situps

A: 7(95#), 7(95#), 6(95#), 5(95#), 6(95#)
B: 6,7,7,7
C: 8 reps for all @ 15#'s

All 4 sets complete

Good day to get back at it....I have struggled with the Press before and staying very strict 95# at that Tempo felt good. HSPU are something else I struggle with (seeing a pattern).  I need to work on my depth..
Ext ROT are always a nice finish..The the 4 sets were great felt really strong going thru this...felt my tempo and speed were good.


5 Minute AMRAPS of:
200m Run
AMRAP Chins (-2)
Rest 3 minutes
30 Double Unders/90 Singles(more my speed)
10 Push ups
Rest 3 minutes
Airdyne 15 cals
5 chins
rest 3 minutes
200m row
5 toe 2 bar

3 rds 20-12-6 plus 175m run
6 rounds (singles)
4 rounds
3 rounds

Ok this was tough...the 3 minute rest went by fast...Airdyne really cooked my legs...I never recovered after first round of this...I really enjoyed it...

I need to start logging my food again..I kinda got away from it and I'm not being as strict...I just got a copy of Mark Sissons 21 day total body transformation...reading it has me motivated so next week I'm back on the wagon....