Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011

OK so I don't remember when yesterday ended and today began...Late night surveillance for an early Search Warrant..I think I slept for about an hour in my truck in the parking lot of Special Ops...oh yea I closed my eyes for the ride back from Everglades...another 40 minutes maybe...yea um I be tired..

I was able to get up cup of coffee before the WOD

A: In 7 Min build to a heavy 3 Power Clean
B: In 7 Min from Power Clean build to a heavy 3 Deadlift
C: DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-10; Rest 1 min x 4
D: Kipping Pullups x 10 AFAP; Rest 1 min. x 5

A: Built to 155#'s my 1RM prior was 155# so very happy
B: Built to 325# DL...1 RM is 350#'s again very happy
C: DB Back ext I went with 15#'s it was heavy, but it was to far and I was too tired to walk across the Box and switch it thru it with 10-10-8-8 reps
D: Kipping Pullups went good I was able to do all the rounds unbroken except for the last round...

I had some fruit and deli ham slices after the WOD...3.3g FAt, 26.2g Carb, 21g Protein

Meal #1: Thinkthin Bar  8.0g Fat, 25.0g Carb, 20.0 Protein

Meal# 2: Eggs and Chicken Apple Sausage..36.2g Fat, 7.3g Carb, 36.3g Protein

I think the lack of sleep killed my hunger...I will have a protein shake after I post so I'll add it...2g Fat, 7.3g Carb,48g Protein

Totals...49.5g Fat, 64.5g Carb, 125.g protein....and by the way I'm still tired....

So this was the end of my first two week training program from was fantastic...I can see change in my body already...I feel stronger and have a better understanding of my weaknesses...I can't thank him enough for the keep it coming and I look forward to the next round....See Ya's

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