Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday September 29, 2011

Up nice and early with the girls and then off to the box...cup of coffee to start the day..

A: Back Squat @ 80 % 1RM rest 3 minutes x2
B: Dumbell Walking lunges 10-12 steps rest 90 secs x 4
4 Sets of
30 Sec AMRAP DU's
30 Sec AMRAP Burpees
30 Sec AMRAP KBS 1.5
30 Sec AMRAP Box Jumps 20"

A: Back Squat felt good..225#'s felt like I got nice and deep..kept a good tempo
B: I used 45# DB and did 12 steps each heavy but I got thru it

Okay now the 4 Sets
I'm still struggling with DU so I did singles
Jump Rope; 80,65,43,30
Burpees: 15,12,12,9
KBS: 13,12,10,9
Box Jumps: 16,14,13,12
Need to work on DU's and get them done!  First KBS I used the 2 pood because I can

So then Jeff reminds me that him and Ant are going to swim later in the day for some training and I agree to go....
So we did 10 minutes of just swimming then we tried to go 50m under water rest one minute repeat 8 times...yea that was fun...then swim ten minutes again...when I can feel my shoulders again I will let you know...that really took a toll something you need to do on a regular basis to get smooth at..

Last thing I will be taking part in the Marco Sprint Triathlon on Sunday...400m Swim...15 mile bike ride...5k Run ON THE BEACH!  Should be fun....

Tuesday September 27, 2011

Had an early morning meeting then off to the box....two cups of coffee before the WOD...nothing to eat...

A: Strict Pull Ups 6-8 x 4
B: Bench Press 5,3,1 @ 65%,75%,85% of 1 Rep Max  plus AMRAPof 85 %
C: Bar Bell bent over row 10-12 rest 2 minutes x 3
D: Side Bridge 45 secs per side rest 15 secs x 3

A:  8,7,7,6...kept them nice and strict no kipping...
B: 100#, 120#, 130#  them 10 reps at 130#'s...felt good...feeling stronger at this..1 Rep MAx is going up for sure...
C: BB bent over rows...added 20#'s to the bar...felt good 12 reps each round
D: Side Bridges are getting easier...I feel good with these and this time....could go longer..stayed nice and stiff..

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday September 26, 2011

Started the day early...nothing to eat before the box...just a cup of coffee...


Deadlift  5,3,1,5,3,1 rest inceases as reps decrease
GH Raise vs light band x 10 rest 90 seconds x 3

4 sets @ 90-95%
20 Anchored situps
20 Box Jumps 24"...low ground reaction time rest 2:30 between sets

Deadlifts felt good...did each round at 305#'s
GH Raises vs light band...hade to get instructions on this one...once I got it down it felt good..I used the red band....

4 Sets:
Situps were no problem...felt them in my thighs and lower back after raises but still got thru them in about 20-22 secs..
Box Jumps were OK..I really need to work on my ground reaction time..I tend to come off the box and take a step back before I go back up...I need to work on my speed with these...I found this out fir sure during FGB..should have had higher numbers here..Keep the box jumps coming I need the work..
Times: 1:12, 1:12, 1:12, 1:15....stayed consistant...
Good day...I ran two miles later in the day...need to get on the bike!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday September 22, 2011

Up and at the box early today...nothing but a cup of coffee pre WOD...legs a little tired from the torture Jose called PT yesterday at SWAT Training...I can't even say lunge let alone do another one!

A: Turkish Get Ups..20 perfect (like I would do them any other way) Heavy..
B1: AMRAP push ups in 30 seconds
B2: FLR max hold rest 3 minutes x 3
C:DB  EXT ROT @ 3010 6-8 rest 1minute between arms x 2
D:GHD sit ups 5 sets to 85% rest as needed between sets

A: I used the 40# KB for this 10 each arm @ 5 at a time...nice and smooth perfection...Shoulders tired and forearm sore from KB resting on it
B1: I got 28-27-25 in the three rounds
B2: Times were 1:30, 1:10, 1:10...shoulders and upper arms were smoked after push ups and TGU
C: I felt better with these this time over the last time used 15# db and got 8 each round...feeling a little stronger here may try to up weight some next time or more reps????
D: UGHHHH...Reps for the five rounds were 16,14,12,11, through these ok....took rest as needed per Coach...but somehow this upset Jeff and he felt he needed to comment...whatever...go back to drooling over pics of Tom Brady...

Good Day over all....Rest Day Tomorrow....YES!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday and Tuesday September 19-20, 2011

Back to the Box on Monday and still feeling FGB...legs are tight and squats hurt!!!!

Monday Training:

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of Ring Dips and Power Cleans at 135#'s

Results: Gave Coach the finger!
Okay he wasn't there but I did text it to him....

This actually went well...ring dips I worked on kipping and getting full depth...somehow they seemed to get easier as the rounds went on...Power Cleans went well...I felt my form was good and I was under the bar quick...very happy with todays results...

Tuesday Training:
A: Front Squat 5-7 rest 3 minutes x 4 increase load each set...stay with in reps
B: Reverse Dumbell lunge from 4"10-12 reps rest 90 seconds x 3
Row 1k rest 12 minutes x 3

A: Front Squats went well full range of motion I did 145#(6 reps) 155#(7 reps) 160#(6 reps)  165#(5 reps) heavy at the end but I got 5 good reps in..
B: I used 35# dumbells..could have gone heavier
C: Row...Row...and Row again...this went better than I expected..I thought my legs would give out...the rest was long enough to prevent that from happening..1st row took 3:56 2nd Row took 4:06 and last row was 4:00...had to keep good form to come in with the times I did...

Saturday September 17 2011...FGB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completed FGB today at the "BOX"...what a great showing for a great cause...not super happy with my results...scored 235..up from last time at 221, but I thought I would do much better...I didn't game it right...came out to was hard not to with everything going time will be part of the day was the kids Lauren, Justis and my daughter Cassidy doing a kids version of FGB...So Proud!!!  She almost beat me and only did 2 rounds!  Great time at the beach afterwards....Thanks Coach and Ali.....

Thursday September 15 2011

Doing a little catching up..ended up being out till almost 0400hrs and had to get up at 0700 to get the girls to school...needless to say I took Wednesday off and got back at it Thursday...Got to the gym and noticed Coach must have been drinking since he had Jeff and I do the same it be:

Handstand Push Up work for 10 on depth, range of motion, tempo and kipping


5 sets at 97%
Row 150 meters
15 Burpees
30 double Unders/ 90 singles
Rest 5 minutes...Active

HSPU work was needed...this is somewhere I struggle..I have issues with depth..I feel like I'm going deep but when I check I'm still not making contact with the floor...I worked on spreading my hands out more I think my stance is too narrow making it hard to go deep...I did get one done on the black boxes so I could go real deep...yeah...didn't work still came up was fun and challenging!

5 Sets:
These were real time to catch your breath...I completed the rows in an average of 1:50...burpees are always fun...still working on double unders so I stayed with 90 period was good...enough to recover, yet still feeling the prior round...liked this WOD...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday September 13, 2011

Day two of getting back to the box....feeling good...foot still not leaking so I guess its healed up....At the box a little late today after some very important meetings at work....yeahhhh very important...

A: Front Squat with chains @ 30X1 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Reverse Lunge with kettle bells in rack position
C: Side Bridge 30 seconds a side x 4 rest 10 seconds in between

A: Chains...chains...and more chains....well they sure made it interesting...I still feel all the stabilizer muscles still firing off...I did 135#'s plus the chains which I think is a total of 180#'s...Tempo was great...I mean it with the chains and the shaking it was great...very interesting looking forward to more chain work
B: Reverse lunges went good...I used 35# KB's probably could have gone heavier, but my legs were still a little shell shocked from the chains...
C: Side bridges went great...good form throughout...kept a nice solid bridge...

Monday September 12, 2011

Glad to be back at it....the foot is healing nicely...still have the stitches in but they should come out Thursday, just in time for FIGHT GONE BAD!!!!! Hell Yea!

A: Deadlift @ 43X1 8-10 reps rest 90 seconds x 4
B: Challenging Box Jump 20 Reps
C: Russian KBS with BIG BLACK x 15 rest 1 minute x 4
D: Stretch/ Mobility Hams and Hips

A: Deadlift Tempo was killer...I did 200#'s with reps of 10,10,8,8...form felt good movement was slow and steady..
B: Not sure of exact height but I did the 27" box with a 45+25# plates on top..I could have gone higher but I was afraid I would pop a stitch or two coming back down...these felt good even after the Deadlifts...
C: Ohhhh Big thru all sets unbroken, but it got heavy around swing 10-11 each round...really had to be sure to use hips on this one...
D:  This felt good after all the hip action I got during the WOD...spent about 10-15 minutes working mobility..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thrusday September 8 2011

Just a quick update...I haven't vanished or  fell off the planet....Monday I tried to enjoy a day at the beach with my kids...well at times I think I'm still a kid so I decided to show my girls my awsome "Body Surfing" moves...I looked good right up to the point when a good wave knocked me down.... I put my foot down to stop me from flopping in the water like a fish outta water...It worked, but I also hit a nice shell and sliced my foot open requiring six stitches to close it up...I'm still trying to let it heal some before working out hard...It hasn't leaked all day today so I might be close....And yes Terry and my girls were very impressed with my moves...okay maybe they weren't, but I was!!!!!!!!!!!   Back at it soon....And another note this injury won't stop me from stomping all over the other players in Fantasy Football!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday September 3 2011

Catching up again....Last WOD was Thursday and it was a skills day:

A: Handstand Push on Range of Motion 2-3 each time 7 minutes
B: Bench Press 135#'s 8 rounds of 2 @ 20X1 rest 1 minute between rounds
C: Work om Overhead Squat chest up shoulders active 7 minutes
D: GHD sit ups 10 reps with 1 minute rest between rounds x 4

Good skills day:
A: Tried to move my hands out wider...wanted to see if I could go deeper this way...worked a little bit but I felt weaker pushing back up...keep working them
B: Bench Press was good able to maintain tempo
C: This was good haven't done these in a while so even an empty bar felt heavy at first...added a little weight, but worked more on form then weight.
D: GHD sit ups are always good...have felt them the past few days...

I took Friday off to get ready for 31 Heroes today...GLAD I DID...WOW what a WOD...just a reminder in case you didn't see it

Partner WOD go for 31 minutes AMRAP
Partner 1 starts with 8 Thrusters @ 155#....6 rope climbs 25ft....11 box jumps @ 30"...
Partner 2 starts with 400m run carrying 45# sand bag..

I did it RX with Jeff....we got in 4 rounds plus the thrusters and 2 rope climbs...
I couldnt have asked for a better partner..we just kept going and worked at a steady pace...
I have to say all the training I have been doing with Coach has paid off and it showed today...No way could I do 155# thrusters a few months not only did I do them I managed to make it thru the WOD without visiting Pukie!..Great job Coach and great job Jeff.....Congrats and job well done by all other Redliners who showed up to "Bring It"...or just to cheer us on...