Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday December 29 2011

Nice cool morning at Da Box...cup of coffee...some Jacked and ready to go...

A: Front Squat @ 20X1 8-10  rest 2:30 x 4
B: Reverse Sled drag 60 sec steady pace rest 2:30 x 4
C: 1 RM strict Pull Up


A: 135(10), 145(9), 155(10), 165(8)
B: 205, 215, 220, 225..legs were bur ning at this point....
C: BW plus 85#'s..felt good

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday December 28 2011

No Box I went for a nice 5k run

Time : 24:11...not my fastest time but a good pace...back to the Box tomorrow....See Ya's  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday December 27, 2011

Ok so I'll try to stay on track and up to date...Cup of coffee and off to the Box

A: Deadlift @ 31X1  6,4,4,2 rest 3 minutes
B: Back Ext  12-15 rest 45 secs

Then : 2 sets of 5 mi nute AMRAPS

3 DL 2 200#
5 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs


A: 315, 330, 340, 345
B: Complete

 3 plus burpees
 2 plus burpees

Last time  I did  4 plus dl and 3 plus burpees at 195#'s and 1 rope climb...

The rope climbs caught up to me fast...I have to say I wasn't happy witht he results until I looked at the last results...I thought I got in 5 or 6 I was happy to see I was closer than I thought...Deadlifts felt real good...I was able to keep the tempo each time and felt good after the rest period....

Catching Up

OK so I didn't fall off the face of the earth but  Xmas time was very busy and hard to keep up...Here is what I have been up to....Not sure of the dates so I'll post all the workouts I have completed since last post then  I'll do a new for today (Tuesday December 27)

A: Press @ 32X2 7-9 reps rest 3 min x 4
B: Decline Ring push ups feet high on box AMRAP -2 rest 3 mins x 3
C: GHD sit ups 5 unbroken sets of 10 (shorter rest than last time)


A: 95(7), 85(9), 85(7), 85(7)
B: 14-11-8
C: Rest 30 sec, 30 sec, 35 sec, 40 sec


A: Deadlift from 4" block @ 32X1 6,4,4,2,2 rest 3 mins b/t sets
B: Back Ext w/ 10# plate @ 22X2 8-10 rest 1 minute x 4
C: 2 pood KBS ladder 1 swing/2 swings/ 3swings etc...
D: Side bridge 45 sec/side rest 15 sec x 3 per side

A: 245,265,265,275,280 very differant lifting from block...really had to concentrate on form...tough getting weight off ground then longer lower...
B: Complete 10 each round
C: Made it to ladder 10
D: complete


A: As many 1-5 strict pull up ladders in 7 minutes
B: Pendlay rows @ 32x2 5-7 rest 2 mins x 3

Then: Row max meters in 9:45 w/ 45 # bumper to last

A: 2 complete plus 4
B: 70(7), 80(7), 85(6)
Row: 2463m...last row was for 10 mins and I got 2415 meters....I guess training is paying off...thanks coach!


A: Press @ 31X2 4-6 rest 2:30  x 4
B: Ring Dips @ BW  AMRAP -1  rest 3 mins x 3
C: DB Ext Rot  @ 3010 8/arm rest 1 min between arms
D:  GHD sit ups 50 for time


A: 100(6), 105(4), 102(6), 105(4)
B: 16,12,10
C: complete
D: 3:00 with rest felt good...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13, 2011

OK so I took some time off after the OPT Construction Series on Saturday...Here are the results of that:

A: Find 1 RM Power Snatch then Max Reps of chest to bar complete in 25 minutes

B: Little Liz...
  Squat Cleans 135#
  Ring Dips

C: 25 minute limit:
      5k row with remaining time AMRAP of burpees

A: 140# with 20 C2B
B: 6:55 RX
C: 21:10 row then 43 burpees

Good Times!


A:Press @ 32X2 7-9 reps rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Decline Ring Push Ups AMRAP -2 rest 3 minutes x 3
C: GHD sit ups 5 unbroken sets of 10


A: 95#(7), 85#(9), 85#(7), 85#(7)
B: 14-11-8
C: 30 second rest between set 1 and 2 and 2 and 3 then 35 sec rest then 40 second rest

Felt good today to get back at body needed the rest after Saturday...

Tuesday December 6, 2011

At the Box nice and early...cup of joe and off to the WOD...

A: Front Squat @ 20X0 2-3 rest 3 minutes x 5
B: 15 Perfect Hand Stand Push Ups


Karen...150 Wall Balz for time!

A: 135,165,165,175,175...Tempo was good...felt good with these
B: I did 3 sets of 5...I used one sit up pad and my head hit each time...this is an improvment for me...took 3 minutes overall with rest...NICE!

Karen...what a BIATCH!
Took 11 minutes...Felt good...had a feeling I would be hating the fact that I did this at SWAT the next day...I was suprised and felt good...must be getting stronger or my pain tolerence has gone up!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday December 5, 2011

Off to the Box first thing today...Pre workout 1 serving of Jack 3d:

A: AMRAP Strict chin ups with 10% bw drop wieght at failure them AMRAP at bw..stay on bar
B:1 arm DB row @ 32X2 5-7 rest 1 minute b/t arms x 5
C: DB ext rot @ 3010 7 per arm rest 1 minute b/t arms x 2

A: 5 with 15#'s the 4 w/o wieght...did this outside on skinny bar...think I could have had a higher number on fat time
B: 3 rds at 55#'s then 2 rds @ 45#'s
C: complete

So I got somewhat careless with my eting pre and post back on track last week and this has paid off...I feel better and I cut about 4-5 lbs over the past week..In keeping with a better diet I am back to posting meals..

Post Wod #1:
Eggs and bacon..21.7g Fat, 3.5g Carb, 26.6g Protein
Meal # 2:
Protein Bar and some nuts...23g Fat, 34.7g Carb,  40g Protein
Meal #3:
Chicken breast. brussel sprouts steamed, salad..13.4g Fat, 11.9g Carb, 45.8g Protein
Protein Shake and nuts  24.3g Fat, 21.7g Carb, 53.5g Protein

Totals: 82.5g Fat,  72.1g Carb, 165.9g Protein

Feeling much better...not the best night sleep but I got some....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday December 1, 2011

Full house this morning at the Box....After two classes a cup of joe I was ready to go...


A: 1 Push Press, 2 Push Jerks, 1 Split Jerk rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Strict DB press @ 31x1...seated with legs straight out in front 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3
C: 5 sets of 10 unbroken GHD sit ups


A: All 3 @ 115#'s...felt good...
B: First set 8 @ 35#'s...burned up the shoulders..sets 2 and 3 10 reps @ 30#'s
C: All 5 sets completed...

All in all I felt good...kind of rushed it this moring since I was pressed for time...still mad over the muscle ups...Next week I will start tracking my food again...I have been very strict this week and I feel a lot a little crazy prior to the holiday and needed to get back on track...