Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Jan 30, 2012

So I had a good weekend...5k on Saturday with some fellow CCSO employees at the Run for the Paws...Time-25:01 Kailee also came along to get some volunteer time in...she was cutting off the chips as runner crossed the finish line....Then ice hockey started up again on the Chicken Tenders are off to a perfect season 1-0...So now to the business at hand the WOD for today:

Front quickly to a tough 3

3 Sets at high effort of
3 squat cleans @ 135#
3 leggless rope ascents
rest 90 seconds

3 Sets at high effort of
3 power snatch @ 105#
20 seconds on airdyne 100%


Front Squat was 205#'s

squat cleans went well but I struggled on the rope ascents  first round I did first climb legless second was 2 legless climbs third was 1 and 1 again. I'll work on these...

Power Snatch technique can use some work,but I got them done....airdyne...well its the airdyne...IT SUCKS!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Jan 26 2012

Not really awake today after late night and early morning in D8...but hey thats why we get the BIG BUCKS.....

I recyled an old WOD that I did before to compare:

10 minutes of working muscle ups...needed this after the OPT challenge...thye kinda got the best of me...
Clean and Jerk 3,3,3,2,2 with 2 minute rest between sets
Weighted Chin Ups 3,3,3,3 with 2 minute rest between

Muscle Ups went good I got a few in on each set of rings...for some reason I really struggled on the black rings....

B: 35,40,53,63

Last time my results were:

On the C&J the last time I worked more on form...but it was still heavy....I impressed myself today getting the 160 up at the end....On the wtd chin ups to days were unbroken last time I had to stop and restart...very happy with today...

I played with the 3 POOD....WOW what a beast....should be fun to work with...kinda like swinging Bob by his ankles....

Tuesday Jan 24 2012

So I get to the DA BOX and for some unknown reason I agree to do Jeff's WOD with him...One would think after runninng the Readiness test with him I would steer clear....oh well always up for a good challenege...

WOD:  5 sets with 3 minute rest between sets

40 Double Unders (120 singles which I did)
20 Hand release push ups
10 KBS w/2 pood


WOW that was fun....yeah fun......

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday Jan 23 2012

Freash new week feeling good...lots of good energy at the DA BOX today....

Todays WOD:

A: Front Squat @ 20X1 6,4,2 rest 2:30 between sets
B: Practice Pistols for 5 minutes

3 sets at 97%...not 100% ....97%

Row 250m
5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Wall Balz
Rest is same as work

A: 165(6), 185(4), 200(2)
B: Pistol Practice was good again....from the box able to complete a few each leg...little shaky but getting better.


Results last time:

Friday Jan 20, 2012

Nice early start at the DA BOX ready to go....

Todays WOD:

A: Deadlift from 4" block at 22X1 6,4,4,2,2 rest 2:30
B: Back extentions w/14# med ball  21X1; 6-8 unbroken rest 1 min x 4
C: KBS ladder w 2 pood  AMRAP

A: 245, 265, 265, 275, 290
B: Complete
C: Made it to 11 last time I made it to 10

Good day.... lifting from the block is differant  makes the pull longer....last few were tough, but hey so am I!

Thursday January 19, 2012

Ran the readiness test yesterday at SWAT training....Great day...I thought I would be smart and run with Magner since I had to carry him a little bit...thinking he's light shouldn't be too hard....But I didn't think about how fast he runs and how tiring keeping up with him would be.....yeah   it hurt....our time was great and I survived, but man did it suck....anyway todays WOD..

For 50 minutes play with the following:

Toes 2 rings
Broad Jumps
Anchored Sit ups
Walking Lunges
Back Exts
Ring Rows

went steady for the 50 minutes...this was a good one to have since Magner tried to kill me yesterday!  Got about 10 rds in

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012

Fiesrt day back at the box since the OPT challenge on Saturday...I still feel the effects of it...

A: Seven Muscle ups clean try to minimize misses
B: Power Clean 3,3,3,2,1 rest 2:30 between sets
C: Push press 3,2,1,3,2,1 rest 2:30 between sets
D: 21 95# Thrusters
     21 Pull Ups
For do you feel?

A: wrists are all still torn up from sat...I tried to tape them but the just ripped open...have to postpone this, but I do need the work so I will get these done...
B: 165,155,155,160,165
C: 115,135,145,125,145,155
D: 3:05
Let myself down with the muscle ups, but I figured no one at the box wanted to muscle ups on bllod covered rings....
Power Cleans wen't good..still a little sore from sat so the weights were moderate  can definatly do more...
Push Press same thing feel like I can go heavier my shoul;ders just weren't there today..

Thrusters and Pull ups..thought I would be faster...I think I was just run down...would like to go at this again....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Jan 16 2012

Ok a little catching up to do...Friday I was at the Da Box and had a nice was perfect since Saturday was such a challenge..


20 minutes on the Airdyne...last 5 seconds of each minute sprint it thru it no problem legs felt good..

Saturday was a differant story...OPT Construction Challenge # 3

WOD 1:

155# clean and jerk and muscle up
Time: 18:43....The C&J weren't bad I could have gone heavier....but the muscle ups killed me...need to work on these...once I got the tempo and motion down i could get it...

WOD 2:
Row 2k left over time do double unders (or as I did singles)

Row: 8:05
Singles: 222

WOD 3:
Kettle Bell snatches and burpees 15-12-9
15 Right arm
15 left arm
15 burpees
and so on
I used the 53# kettle bell...impressed myself with this one got thru the hole thing UNBROKEN!!!

Time- 6:43

WOD 4:
12 minute AMRAP
10 Wall Balz
5 toes to bar

13 rounds

What a day..another great job by everyone there and OPT for putting it together....thanks to all for cheering me on and the support...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday January 10 2012

Nice morning at Da Box...ready to go

A:  Back Squat @ 20X1 6,4,2 rest 2:30
B: Power Snatch 2,2,2,2 rest 2:30 between sets
C: Prowler Push @ 200#'s 15 seconds rest 45 seconds x 6

A: 185#,205#,225#
B: 95#, 115#, 115#, 115#
C : Complete

Good day all in all.  Power snatch is something I need to work on....technique is not clean,,Prowler push was something new...interesting...could have pushed more...200# wasn't that bad at all...although I can understand the need for technique as wiegth goes up...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday January 9 2011

Nice early morning at Da Box....Everybody was Flying!!!!


A: Wieghted chin up 10% of Body wieght AMRAP -1 rest 2:30 x 4
B: 15 Kipping Pull Ups rst 1 minute x 3
C: AMRAP Burpees in 15 seconds rest 45 seconds x 4

A:  20# kettle bell attached...10,8,7,5
B: Complete
C: 5,6,6,6

Good day....seems like I might getting ready for...."FRAN"   Damn It...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Jan 6, 2012

Today was a recovery day from killing Grace yesterday:

A: 30 TGU...not for time
B: 10 minutes on the roller working flexability
C: 15 minutes on the Airdyne in Zone 1

A: Took my time and did 30 perfect TGU with 35# Kettlebell
B: Felt good
C: Actually got off the Airdyne and wasn't cursing you Coach or the Airdyne...nice change

Thursday Jan 5, 2012

"GRACE"...5:00 flat.........HELL YEA!!!! Stoked at this result...never would have been able to complete this let alone in 5:00....your programming has paid off Coach Thanks!!

Tuesday Jan 3 2012

Another cool  morning at Da Box....cup of joe and ready to go...

Today was a unique day:

For 45 minutes work the following at an easy hard breathing:

Toes 2 Bar
Wall Balz
Walking Lunges
Box Jumps
Push Ups

I started off just doing as many as felt good then moving to the next..I changed up to 10 of each then move on to the next...Coach said to keep moving so I even threw in some New Kids On The Block(NKOTB) dance moves between reps....I looked good!!!...Anyway I got in about 7 rounds of 10 was hard to keep the heart rate jumps were harder at the slow pace...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday January 2, 2012


Nice cool morning at DA BOX and it was packed ...great to see everyone starting the year off right...cup of joe and ready to hit it...

A: Work on Muscle Ups for 10 minutes
B: Clean & Jerk 3,3,2,2,2 rest 2:30 between sets
C: WTD Chin Up 3,3,3,3 rest 2:30

A: Better than last time I did to get a few closer to getting one without false grip...
B: 115,115,125,125,135...did a few with split jerk for the practice...all felt good I could have gone heavier but I wanted to work on good form...
C: 35,53,61,61   these got tough fast..on the last two sets I got two then had to get the last one....thought I could get three straight so went at it twice (61#)

Friday December 30, 2011

Ended up with two days of Front Squats, but hey I had legs were up to it...

A: Front Squat @ 20X1 6,4,2 rest 2:30 between sets
B: Practice Pistols for 5 minutes

3 sets at 97%
Row 250m
5 Wall Balz
rest time equals work time

A: 145,155, 165
B: This was tough haven't done these in a while...worked off a box (thanks Jose) and wa able to get one each leg..

1:27, 1:26 , 1:27 

I like how consistant I was able to legs were tired, but the rest time was enough to recover..tried to stay active to avoid any build up in my legs....