Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday August 4 2011

Jose made sure we would remember SWAT training...He found one of his crazy SEAL, RANGER or whatever flavor of the week it was workouts and had us do it with him...Good Times!

Anyway up with a cup of coffee and off to the box...

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 5011 3-5 reps 1 minute rest between legs x 4
B: Dumbell russian Step Ups AMRAP in 60 seconds x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD sit ups 5 sets of 10 rest 15 seconds

A: Tempo made them interesting I used 35# dumbells...legs were still a little tired from yesterday...went well
B: I used 25# dumbells for these...a little tougher than I thought they would be...16-15-15 per round.
C: AMRAP strict chin these hurt I got in 5 full rounds...hurt in a good way..
D: GHD Sit much fun as the airdyne...took me 3:22 to get thru minus the rest it was 2:22
Good training day...I took Tuesday as a rest day I was just feeling drained after the weekend...

Strawberries and BCAA with glutamine afterwards and then with in the hour eggs and bacon...Fat 19.8g  Carb..13g  Protein...25g
Post WOD #2: Deli Roast Beef and nuts....Fat  16.9g   Carb...9.6g    Protein...17.2g
Post WOD # 3: Chicken breast with green beans  Fat 13g....Carb   10.7g....Protein   36g
Post WOD#4: Protein Shake  Fat...2g   Carb....10.7g    Protein...48g
Snack: Protein Bar Fat 8g...Carb...24g...Protein....30g

Fat...59.9g   Carb...63.2g    Protein...156.2g

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