Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday July 28, 2011

Hey I got some sleep...oh wait no I didn't another night with about 4-5 hrs...can't wait for the weekend.  I did come across some liquid gold in the form of N-Zero...Thanks Jeff

A: Weighted Strict Pull Up @ 30X1 5-7 Rest 2minutes x 4
B: Dumbell Step Ups @ 4222 6-8 rest 1 minute between legs x 4
C: Peterson Step Ups 10-12 rest 1 minute between legs x 3 with dumbells
D: GH Raises @ 20X1 8-10 rest 1 minute x 4

A: I started with 35# kettle bell...I got six in but I struggled I dropped to 25# and got 5 in the next three rounds
B: Step Ups went good the I used 35#'s
C: These were differant I had to google them to see how to do them....I used the 35# dumbells again
D: GH Raises are always good...I feel these in my lower back...liked the tempo..

Post WOD#1: Banana and a protein bar...I had to teach the 10 and noon class so I ate at the box...Fat 8.4g Carb  51g   Protein 31.3g
Post WOD#2: Chef Salad with kobe turkey and ham from Jimmy P's Fat 10.3g...Carb 26.9g  Protein...52g
Snack : Nuts Fat 12.4g Carb 8.6g Protein5.2g
Post WOD#3: Beef Patty and lettuce wedge   Fat 19.4g...Carb 6.4g  Protein  30g
Late Snack; Protein Shake  Fat 2g  Carb 6g  Protein  48g

Total: Fat 52.9g  Carb 98.8g   Protein 167.4g

Wednesday July 27 2011

Sleep...Sleep...Sleep...nope still can't find it...I hate weeks like this....Day started at 0430 and ended around 2300...I tried to get some sleep but it just wasn't happening...

Cup of coffee and off to the box....

A: Bench Press @ 30X1 8-10  Rest 2 minutes x4
B: Build to 1 Rep Max Deadlift...Rest as needed
C: Hang Power Clean  3 reps Rest 2 minutes x 3 Speed Rules!
D: KBS 2 pood 15 unbroken rest 1 minute x 3

A: Bench Press felt good..I stayed at 100#'s with the tempo..I probally could have done more but I looking forward to the deadlift.
B: I was very excited when I saw this as I feel my deadlift was getting stronger...I set a new PR with 365#'s...I was disapointed that I only went up 5#'s I really thought I would be closer to 370-375#'s...I tried 375#'s got it off the floor a little but couldn't finish...Lack of sleep, diet, I don't know but at least I went up..
C: Hang Power Cleans went well at 135#'s...speed did rule the first two rounds went really a little sloppy on the third, I think the deadlift was still bothering me..
D: KBS....These went real well...I used my hips and was ready to go at the end of each minute rest...I may have been a little angry at this point over the deadlift and used that energy...

Post WOD # 1 :  3/4 cup of strawberries and then within the hour 3 eggs and apple sausage...Fat 27.4g CArb 15.5g  Protein 32.2g
Post WOD #2: Another chicken apple sausage and some nuts, protein bar  Fat 32.4g  Carb 35.6g  Protein 47.2
Post WOD # 3: Paleo Chilli   Fat 28.6g   Carb  25.9  Protein 45.2
Late night snack: Protein shake....Fat 2.0g   Carb 6.0g  Protein  48.0g

Totals: Fat 90.4g  Carb 83g Protein 172.6g

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26 2011

Ok so we are back at no sleep worked until 10pm and...up at 0430 to head back into work...about 5 hrs sleep.

Didn't make it to the box until about 5pm...I've learned that I do better in a fasted state and like working out early in my day...oh well win some lose some

My old friend the airdyne bike...
30 seconds at 80%
30 seconds at 50%
x 30  Rest 2 minutes off bike every 6th set

I wore the heart monitor to get some numbers
Starting Heart Rate 54
Round 1 168 after 2 minute break 103
Round 2 170 after 2 minute break 112
Round 3 171 after 2 minute break 113
Round 4 172 after 2 minute break 118
Round 5 173 after 2 minute break 118
After 20 minutes off the bike I was down to 89
I felt good the first two rounds after that I battled thru it...I kept the RPM between 70 and 75 at 80% and 55 and 60 at 50%.  I was cooked again at the end it was hot and it hurt, but hey I had fun...

Coffe of course in the morning then a protein bar with strawberries  Fat 8.3g  Carb 3.8g  Protein 30.8g
Meal #1 : 4 oz chicken breast and nuts Fat 20.1g Carb 8.6g Protein 38.7g
Meal # 2:  Buffalo chicken salad at Subway Fat 2.5g Carb  9.0g  Protein 19g
Meal # 3: Salald and beef patty  Fat   19.7g  Carb 6.4g Protein 30.8g
Late snack: Protein shake  Fat 2g  Carb 6g  Protein 48g

Total: Fat 53.8g     Carb 62.7g    Protein  167.2g

Long day but a good day.....To Coach, Ali, Jeff and the rest of the Redliners going to Cali..have fun...see ya's

Monday July 25 2011

Ok so I have some catching up to do.  Last week was a little odd, my schedule was a little crazy.  Had school from Wed to Fri and also had to do some work with my team.  Anyway I just did the WOD of the day most of the week and took some extra rest.  Monday I was back on schedule.

I had the usual cup of coffee before the WOD...

A: Barbell bentover row @ 30X1; 10-12 reps; Rest 2 minutes x 4
B: Barbell Back Squat @ 30X1; 6-8 reps; Rest 3 minutes x 4
C: 1 Set back squat w/135#'s 20 reps keeping pace constant
D: Dumbell Back Extentions @ 4022; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute x 3

A: Rows were good I felt good...Could probally a little weight next time.  I did 12 reps each time...last set was the hardest.
B: Tempo again kept me honest...could feel the burn in my legs  rest period was enough to shake it out and go again.
C: Weight was good...last 5 were tough...after B my legs were on fire by the end...I was able to keep pace until the last five...i slowed down a little....
D: DB back extentions always get my lower back going...I did first rep with 20#'s an got 13 reps...went down to 15#'s on the last two and got 12 reps...back was screaming!!

Post WOD #1: Strawberries right after workout-3/4 cup...Fat .3g   Carb 8g...Protein .8g
Post WOD #2: about 30 minutes later three eggs and two slices of turkey bacon   Fat 19.5g   Carb 4.3g  Protein  24.2g
POst WOD #3: Protein Bar and some nuts  Fat 20.4g  Carb 32.6g  Protein 35.2g
Post WOD #4: Paleo Chili and a salad    Fat 21.7g   Carb 25.8g  Protein

Totals: Fat 62g   Carb 71.4g  Protein 96g

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday July 18 2011

Back from the weekend and a good nights sleep....8+ hrs.  Up and at it...cup of coffee to start the day..

A: In 7 minutes build to a heavy deadlift x 5. 
B: Build to a near max box jump.
C: Back Ext with Med Ball under chin 10-12 x 4 rest 1 minute between rounds
D: Kipping Pull Ups 15-20 keep them quick x 3 rest 90 secs between rounds

A: I built up to 295#'s...Feeling really stong when it comes to deadlifts...looking forward to setting new  1RM
B: I got up 38" Higher than I thought I could go
C: Back Ext's are always tough...Used the 20# Med Ball...12,12,11,12 I felt these
D: Kipping Pull Ups were good, but I wa tired...completed 17,16,15,15 keeping them quick.

Post WOD # 1: Fruit mix right after WOD  and then a  protein bar.  I stayed to teach the 10. Fat 8.3g, 48.2g Carb, 31g Protein
Post WOD # 2: Chicken/Apple sausage with nuts 24.4g Fat, 11.6g Carb,  17.2g Protein
Post WOD # 3: Beef Patty with salad 19.7g Fat, 6.4g Carb,  30.8g Protein
Post WOD # 4: Protein Shake 2g Fat, 6g Carb,  48g Carb

Totals: Fat 54.5g,  Carb 72.2g  ,   Protein 127g

This session was great.  I feel stronger and see my body changing.  Looking forward to the next program...Keep up the great work Coach

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday July 14, 2011

Ok Coach stop yelling at me!!!!!! I know I went over on the Carbs....How is it Jeff gets to drink chocolate milk and I get yelled at....LOL...Anyway not a good night sleep again lots of tossing and turning.  Once up for the day I had my cup of coffee and off to the box....

A: Bench Press @ 20X1 60% of 1RM 8 sets of 3 rest 45 seconds between sets
B: TGU- 10 Per side @ 75% effort
C: 100 Walking Lunges @ 80% no urn

A: Pressed 115# for all 8 to keep tempo felt really good
B: TGU: I used the 35# Kettlebell very strict on each step....Got tough from 7-10
C: Got through the lunges no problem.

Today felt good after yesterday...My abs are still feeling the GHD...

Post WOD #1 Banana and Protein Bar....Stayed again to teach the 10....Fat 8.4g, Carb 51g,  Protein 31.3
Post WOD #2 3 egges and bacon   Fat 26.2g  Carb 5g ,  Protein 32g
Post WOD #3 Kobe Beef patty Fat 19g,    Protein 28.9
Snack: Nuts and Protein shake   Fat 14.4g  Carb 14.6g   Protein 53.2

Total 68.5g Fat,   70.5g Carb  144.6g Protein....

Ok I am going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with 4 pre-teen to say I'll need a drink or something I shouldn't have sometime tonight....I just hope I survive!

Wednesday July 13 2011

Slept for about 6 hours last night.  Not the best night of sleep, tossed and turned some.  Up and had my cup of coffee on the way to the box.

A: DB Split squat @ 30X1 4-6 reps rest 1 min between legs x 4
B: DB Russian step up AMRAP in 60 seconds with 25# per hand rest 90 seconds between legs x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD Sit-ups  50 for time

A: These felt good I was able to get 6 reps each time...good tempo for these.  I used 35# DB
B: Why is it that something that sounds so simple can burn so much...16-17, 15-15, 13-13...these caught up to me quick.   My legs were burning afterwards
C: I really stayed strict with these I think last time I kipped a lot...I got in four once the pull up strength is gone its gone...hard to recover quickly..
D: OUCH my abs still hurt...I got them done in 3:35...keep these coming...much like the airdyne I love to hate these...

All in all I felt good today I was challenged and surprised by the workout...good times


Post WOD #1: Right after the workout I had strawberries and protein bar...I had to stay and teach the ten. Fat 8.5g,  Carb 35.7g, 31g Protein
Post WOD # 2: Buffalo chicken wrap from Tropical smoothie and a lean machine smoothie Fat 23g,  Carb 171g, Protein 42g
Post WOD# 3; I had a protein shake and some nuts 14g Fat, 14.6g Carb,  53.2g Protein

Total: Fat 45.9g  Carb 221g, 126g

Went a overboard on the more lean machines.....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday July 11, 2011

Sleep was so-so last night.  I got about 6 hrs.  Once up it was a cup of coffee and off to the box.

A: Press @ 21X2 8-10 reps rest 2 min x 3
B: Reverse Lunge with Barbell in front rack @ 30X1 6-8 per leg rest 2 min x 3
C: Knee to Elbow 10-12 rest 45 secs x 4

A: I did 85#'s on the press.  I feel stronger everywhere but I still seem to struggle with these...10 reps each rd
B:Reverse Lunge was differant and felt good...Maybe some weight next time?? 8 each round
C: Knees to to keep a good pace and complete 12 each round.

Post WOD #1: Had strawberries right after workout.  I should have brought some more to eat since I had to stick around and teach at 10 am. 11.7g Carb, 1g Protein
Post WOD # 2: 3 eggs with bacon  Fat 24g  Carb 4.7g  Protein 28.9
Post WOD# 3: Protein Bar and nuts Fat 20.4g,  Carb  32.6,  Protein 35.2
Snack: Protein Shake:  Fat 2g  ,  Carb 6g,  48g Protein
Post WOD #4:  Ground Beef Patty and Salad  Fat 19.7g,  Carb 6.4g  Protein 31g

Totals: Fat 66.6g  Carb 61.4g   Protein 143.9g

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday July 8 2011

Better sleep today got about 8 hours last night.  Up with my girls then off to the box.
Back to my routine with a cup of coffee pre workout.


Run for 12 minutes at 65% max HR then...
Sprint through each set:
10 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Air Squats
10 DB ground to overhead w 25 #'s
Rest 5 minutes x 5

Run was a nice warm up got the heart rate up and felt good

Ok the rest not so much fun...
I was able to keep a good pace through all the rounds...everything unbroken each time...did I mention it was hot at the box....

Post WOD #1 fruit and then chicken breast with a salad Fat 13.6g, Carb 18.1g Protein 53.2g

Meal #2 Nuts and deli ham Fat 29.3g,   Carb 10.6g   Protein 25.2g

Snack :  Shake Fat 2g,   Carb 6g  Protein 48g

Meal# 3: Pulled Pork and salad  45.7g Fat,  6.4g Carb, 75g Protein

Totals: Fat 77.3g,  Carb. 41.1, Protein 201g

Thursday July 7, 2011

So even less sleep than last night...up really early for a SWAT operation and then out in the heat all day.  Nutrition was a little off today.  Between the lack of sleep and having a hard time with it being my dads B-Day and him not with us anymore I had a rough day and didn't eat much. It was good to get to the box and get my mind on something else. 

Meal #1:Two eggs scrambled with fruit and veggies in the eggs. Fat 12.7g, Carb12.9, Protein 13.3

Snack: Nuts Fat 12.4g, Carb 8.6, Protein 5.2g

Meal#2: Protein Bar Fat 8.0g, Carb 24g, Protein 30g

Meal #3: Protein Shake and a salad w deli ham Fat5.3g, Carb14.4, Protein 69.9g

Totals: 38.4g Fat, 59.9g Carb, 118.4g Protein

A: Weighted Strict Pull-Ups 30X1 5-7 reps rest 2 min x 3
B: DB Ste-Ups @ 4222 8-10 reps rest 1 minute between legs x 4
C: Reverse Sled Drag @ 185#'s constant pace 60 sec rest 3 minutes x 4
D: GH Raises x 10-12 rest 1 minute x 5

A: Completed 7 reps each round I used 25# Kettle Bell each time
B: Steps always sound and look so easy, but they burn...I used 35# dumbells
C: It was pouring out when I did this so I thought it would a little easier  wrong...the sled moved easier but my feet were slipping plus there was a lot o tree deris on the ground...the sled would come to a dead stop when I found a twig...made it fun...
D: GH Raises...ok so as if my legs weren't burning enough the raises killed them...this was my first exposure to this felt good...after the first couple and I worked the kinks out..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6, 2011

So the good night sleep ended..Early morning search warrant and SWAT training day took care of about 4 to 5 hours...

Got to the box after SWAT training...I'll start with nutrition since I had a few meals prior:

1st meal was Protein Bar and a banana...Fat 8.5g....Carb 51.7g....Protein 31.3

2nd meal was Deli ham and peperoni with a protien shake....Fat 27.8g....Carb 10.3....Protein 79.5g

Post WOD I snacked on some nuts....Fat 12.4g....Carb 8.6g....Protein 5.2g

Last Meal Grilled Talpia with a salad and mixed steamed veggies...Fat 8.7g....Carb 16.3g....Protein 52.5g

Then to the Box after a cup of coffee of course:...Training

A: Wide Grip Bench Press with a 40X1 Tempo 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Deadlift with a 2201 tempo 6-4-2-4-6 rest 3 minutes between sets x 4
C: Hang Power Clean 3 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 Speed over weight
D: Kettle Bell Swings (heavy) x 15 rest i minute x 3

A: I did 105#'s up from 100# the last time I did this...I felt really good and probally could have pushed more, but again I wanted to be strict with the tempo..
B: I deadlifted 260# and felt good..I started out at 235 but could tell I could do more even with the tempo...looking forward to 1RM on Deadlift I know I'm going up...
C: I kinda overestimated the difference between this and standard power clen...I tried 135 but it killed me..I had to go down to 115 to follow the speed over weight...At this weight I was able to have good form and be fast.
D: I did the 2Pood all three rounds...unbroken on the first two and a 10-5 split on the last...really wanted three unbroken but my grip wouldn't allow it..

Nutrition Totals....Fat 57.4g....Carb 86.1g...Protein 168.1.....WOW I did I got my protein intake right!!!!

Tuesday July 5, 2011

Good night sleep got about 7 hours.  Got up had the cup of coffee and off to the box.

Training: Airdyne Bike ( I can't call it want I want to)...

30 Sec @ 80%
30 Sec @ 50%
x 30.....Rest 2 minutes every 5th set.

Results: I HATE THE BIKE!!!!!!!!!!..But it's a good hate...
Made it through all the sets...the 2 minute rest was just enough to shake my legs out and not get in my car and leave..It was good workout, really tested my endurance...I hope to see it again...wait did I just write that??

Post WOD #1 I hade 1 cup of strawberries I had to go to work right after so I had a protein bar with in the hour afterwards..Fat 8.5g, Carb 35.7g, Protein31g

Post WOD #2 Deli Ham Slices and Deli Pepperoni Slices with some nuts..Fat 38.2g,  Carb 12.9g,  Protein 36.7g

Post WOD #3 Chicken Breast with Chopped tomatoes and broccoli..FAt 17.2g,  Carb 16.1g,  Protein 57.4g

Late Snack...Salad 

Totals:  Fat 64.3g,....  Carb 71g,....Protein 127g....Gotta work on upping my Protein intake...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I am back at after some time off....Things at work are back to normal and hopefully no more 23 hr days.

Good night sleep after celebrating the 4th a day early...

Had the usual cup of coffee prior to WOD.

A: Barbell Bent over row @ 30X1; 8-10 reps 2 min rest x4
B: Back Squat @ 30X1; 3-5 Reps; 3 min rest x 4
C: DB Forward Lunge to a 4" step; 10-12 reps per leg rest 1 min x 3
D: DB Back Extension @ 4022; 10-12 reps 1 min rest x 3

A: I worked up to 100 #'s with this...I started at 85# I wasn't sure how the tempo was going to affect me...100#'s was the right amount completed 10 reps each time.
B: Back Squat was good my 1RM is 275# so I did 200#'s about 75% of 1RM...I did 5 each time and the tempo was tough on rounds 3-4..
C:Forward lunge was interesting with the 4" step...I was suprised at the amount of difference it made..I could feel it each time on the push off in the back of my thigh...completed 12 reps each time..I used 20# db's
D: DB back ext.   I really feel these in my lower back...even in the latter part of 1st round...I used a 15# dumbell...I completed 12 reps each round except round 4...I could only get 10 reps in..
All in all I was satisfied with effort..I did some of the gym WOD's last week so I didn't completely stop working out..but my nutrition was lacking...

Post WOD #1(right after WOD)- 1 cup of strawberries and then with in the hour after two eggs with chicken sausage. 22g Fat, 17g Carb, 26g Protein

Post WOD #2 Nuts and Protein Bar... 20g Fat, 32g Carb, 35g Protein

Post WOD #3 Salad with Chicken and spaghetti squash with chopped tomatoes...17g Fat, 16g Carb, 53g Protein..

Totals: 60g Fat, 66g Carb, 114g Protein (Fit Day)

Plus Fish Oil.... 2 teaspoons

After over eating and drinking this weekend I tried to keep it simple  and I know I need to get my protein levels up...I'll do better tomorrow..... today I feel Huuuuuuugaaaa.........