Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Not a bad nights sleep last a good 6-7 hours.  Hit the Box early as it was a SWAT training day.

Pre guessed it cup o' coffee

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 30X1; 8-10 reps; rest 1 min between legs x4
B: Dumbell Russian Step Ups @ 20X1; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C: As many strict 1-4 Pull Up ladders as possible in 10 mins
D: GHD Sit ups 50 for time

A: used the 25# dumbells and did 10 reps each round...felt good
B: used 25# dumbells and did 15 per round..felt good should have increased the weight
C: I completed 7 full ladders in the 10 mins...this was tough
D: Kind of got off track called for work and was on the phone and radio while trying to complete..I was on track for doing 10 at a time and resting 30-40 secs between...have to do this again to get time..

Fruit right after workout and a protein plan was to go to SWAT an PT side tracked with work, but was able to make it for the the O-Course.2.3g Fat, 30.2g Carb, 49g Protein

Post WOD Meal# 2 or snackins as Jose would say...Carrots and Deli Ham...17g Fat, 21g Carb, 21g Protein

Post WOD Meal #3 Two chicken apple sausage links and a salad with nuts..36.4g Fat, 26g Carb, 31g Protein.

Snack...Thinkthin Bar...8g Fat, 25g Carb, 20g Protein

Totals:  64.4g Fat, 97.8g Carb, 121.3g Protein

Long Hot Day...

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