Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday July 13 2011

Slept for about 6 hours last night.  Not the best night of sleep, tossed and turned some.  Up and had my cup of coffee on the way to the box.

A: DB Split squat @ 30X1 4-6 reps rest 1 min between legs x 4
B: DB Russian step up AMRAP in 60 seconds with 25# per hand rest 90 seconds between legs x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD Sit-ups  50 for time

A: These felt good I was able to get 6 reps each time...good tempo for these.  I used 35# DB
B: Why is it that something that sounds so simple can burn so much...16-17, 15-15, 13-13...these caught up to me quick.   My legs were burning afterwards
C: I really stayed strict with these I think last time I kipped a lot...I got in four once the pull up strength is gone its gone...hard to recover quickly..
D: OUCH my abs still hurt...I got them done in 3:35...keep these coming...much like the airdyne I love to hate these...

All in all I felt good today I was challenged and surprised by the workout...good times


Post WOD #1: Right after the workout I had strawberries and protein bar...I had to stay and teach the ten. Fat 8.5g,  Carb 35.7g, 31g Protein
Post WOD # 2: Buffalo chicken wrap from Tropical smoothie and a lean machine smoothie Fat 23g,  Carb 171g, Protein 42g
Post WOD# 3; I had a protein shake and some nuts 14g Fat, 14.6g Carb,  53.2g Protein

Total: Fat 45.9g  Carb 221g, 126g

Went a overboard on the more lean machines.....

1 comment:

  1. Watch it on the carbs. If you want to knock back 60-80 after an airdyne session that's fine, but on average you should be on this side of 100 grams each day.
