Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

This was from Wednesday before Thanksgiving:

A: WTD pullups w/10% body weight, AMRAP -1 rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Strict Chin Ups @ body weight AMRAP rest 2 minutes x 5

 Row max meters in 10 minutes w/45# plate under back of rower

A: 10,8,9,8 w/25#kb
B: 10,6,6,5,5
Row: 2415m

Monday Nov 28:

A: Front Squat @ 22X2 5-7 reps, rest 3 minutes x 5
B: Reverse Lunge w/BB in front rack 12 total rest 3 minutes x 3
C: Trap 3 @ 3010 6-8 each arm rest 1 minute between arms x 2

A: 7(115#), 7(135#), 7(145#), 6(155#), 6(160#)
B: 65#,85#,105# 12 each time
C: Complete w/15#

Tuesday Nov 29:

A: Work on Overhead Snatch 7 minutes
B: Few Sets of Power Cleans build to moderate weight
Then :
Power Clean x 2
10m bear crawl
2 muscle ups
10m bear crawl
rest 3 minutes x 4

A: Worked on snatch..haven't done this in a while it took some getting used to and form a few in at 65#'s
B: Built to 125#'s which i used for next part:

Power Cleans and crawl went well...Not sure what was going on with Muscle Ups but I struggled..I think it was mostly form...but I definitely need to work on them...NOT HAPPY AT ALL.....

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