Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday October 18, 2011

Full house at the Box this morning...great to see so many members going at it so hard...anyway decent night sleep last night as it was my night off...Cup of coffee to get me going and off to the Box.

A:Push Press @ 32X2 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 5
B:Front Squat @ 30X2 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 5
3 heavy squat clean thrusters run hard 200m active rest 5 minutes x 5

A: 115#(7 reps), 120#(7 reps), 125#(7 reps), 130#(7 reps), 135#(5 reps)
B: 135#(7 reps), 145#(6 reps), 145#(7 reps)
Squat Clean Thrusters @ 125,135,140,140,145

All felt good today...Tempo held me back some I tried to go heavier on the first set of Push Presses, but I felt my form going..I ended up starting to lite, but I worked my way up and I'll be ready for the next time.  Thrusters were heavy..the first two rounds I got done with no break after that I had to drop the bar and reset each one...Legs were tired at the end with the run in between...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday October 17, 2011

At the Box most of the morning.  Had the pleasure to watch two groups of Redliners go all out at todays WOD...Then my turn to train....

A: Weighted pullups 3-5 (grunt effort)..rest 3 min x 3
B: Strict Chin ups 5-7 rest 2 minutes x 5
5 burpee pull ups on the minute for 7 minutes..

A: Used the big purple KB which I think is 44#'s got 3 pull ups each round
B: Got 7,7,7,6,5...first few rounds felt good without the added weight...but it caught up in the last two rounds
Burpee pull-ups went well...took an average of 27 seconds to get burpees done...great ending to the day..keep things like this coming....

Got some additional workout in at SWAT Boot camp...did a Burpee ladder 1-10 with the group...then the second class had an odd number so I partnered up for the team WOD:

100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
200 Jump Ropes
One partner working other partner in the plank position...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Friday October 14, 2011

Again at it early...half decent sleep last night...cup of coffee on the run...

A: Deadlift 6,4,2 3-5 minutes rest between (grunt effort)
B: KBS Heavy x 15 rest 1 minute x 3
C: Trap raises @ 3010 6-8 arm rest 1 minute between

AMRAP  10 minutes 7 DL @ 185#'s, 14 Box Jumps, 21 anchored sit ups..

A: 315#, 325#, 335
B: All rounds with 2 pood
C: 8 each arm with 15# DB...tough...
AMAP: 5 rounds plus 10 sit ups..

Good day felt good on the deadlifts......Trap Raises were tough need more of these...

AMRAP...was tough but lots of fun....

Thursday October 13, 2011

Up and at earlt with a cup of coffee on the run...

A: Close grip bench press @ 20X1 8-10 rest 3 minutes between x 4
B: FLR on rings  3 max holds rest 3 minutes between holds
C: Ext rotation @ 3010 6-8 each arm rest 1  minute between arms x 2
D: Row Sprint 45 seconds rest 5 minutes between rows x 6

A: 115# with thin bar...didn't do well..bar hurt my hand 8 reps...95# 10 reps with fat bar, 105# 10 reps, 110# 10 reps
B: 1:10, 1:20 , 1:05
C 15# db 8 reps each arm each time
D: 225m, 226m, 225m, 224m, 221m, 224m

Good day...rows were tough at the end....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011

Early start to the day....Off to the Box with my cup of coffee...

Took on Crossfit Total Today...Here are the results:

Back Squat: 285 up 10#'s from last time 5/2/11
Shoulder Press: 130 up 5#'s from last time
Deadlift: 365 up 5#'s from las time
Total: 780

All felt good...I thought I could get more on the SP and DL...On the SP I got 140 up off my shoulders just couldn't reach full extension..
DL I got 375 off the floor I just couldn't get it past my knees..I think it got in my head after the SP I beat myself up after that...all in all total score is up 20 points

Looking forward to what is coming next.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday October 10, 2011

At the Box early and ready to go...took a nice bike ride yesterday getting ready for May.  Just a cup of coffee before the WOD.

A: Back Squat x 4 @ 80% 1 Rep Max...Rest 3 Minutes
B: Reverse Sled Drag @ 185#'s for 45 seconds Rest 5 minutes x 3
C: GH Raises vs light band 12 reps rest 90 seconds x 3

A: Back Squat was at 225#'s all four felt good...got good depth and kept chest up..
B: Reverse sled drags got my legs burning...able to go from edge of blacktop to end of driveway between guest house and new Captains office
C: GH Raises went well...used red band...lower back started to ache during the last round...

Overall good day felt good with each set...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday and Friday Oct 6-7 2011

Up and off to the Box Thursday morning only a cup of coffee to start the day...

  Push Press @ 12X1 3-5 reps rest 2 minutes x 5
  Split Jerk Tech work 5-7 minutes 1 heavy
 Accumulate 300 seconds in Handstand hold

145# Presses 5,5,4,4,4
125# on the Split Jerk...need more work on this getting the technique, but still don't have the confidence to go real heavy
Took me 12:30 total to get my 300 seconds in had fun with this...shoulders were smoked at the end...

Friday...Got to the Box around 10am...cup of coffee to start of with

A: Clean Pull @ 115% of 1RM of power clean 2-3 reps rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Power Clean Heavy x 3 no rest
C: 10 chest to bar pull ups rest 5 minutes x 4
Row for 10 minutes where the 2nd 5 minutes is faster than the 1st 5 minutes

A: Pulled 200#'s it was heavy...had Jeff watching my form to be sure I was pulling right...
B: Power Clean x 3 I got 175# once but couldn't get the last two...rested a few minutes and got 170#'s 3 times...this was up from 165#'s the last time...got a tip on my technique from Jeff that helped
C: Chest to bar were harder than expected...my shoulders were smoked from yesterday and then the PC's...got through them ok...just not as fat as I would like..
The 1st 5 minutes I rowed 865m at 21-22 s/m the second 5 I rowed 1200m at 29-31 s/m max was 33

Two days of good programing enjoyed them both...just like I enjoyed watching the Yanks go out of the playoff's   GO PHILLIES!...and Oh just a reminder the Flyers smoked the Bruins right after they got their rings and hung their banner....GO FLYERS!

And did mention I smoked me some Holiday Ham Ass in Fantasy Football.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catching Up...

Well I haven't been in the Box for a few days...Work has been crazy and I've been in all day everyday this week...I did mange to get in a Sprint Triathlon over the weekend.  Sunday on Marco the weather was perfect and a good crowd.

400m Swim
15 mile bike ride
5K Run

I didn't really do any training and I don't swim on a regular basis so it was a challenge

SWAT training day today Jose gave us the following partner WOD
1/2 mile run
30 pullups
60 pushups
100 air squats
1/2 mile run
30 pullups
60 pushups
100 air squats
1/2 mile run