Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday August 31, 2011

OK a little catching up to do.  I took today as a rest day.  Here is what I did Monday and Tuesday.
Back on nights so sleep is all jacked up again...getting in at midnight or so trying to go right to bed and get up at 0700 to get the girls up for school...I guess I'm getting 5-6 hours a night....

Monday Training:

A: Front squat @ 20X1 10-12 rest 3 minutes x 3
B: Walking Lunges with Kettle Bells in front rack (heavy) 16 steps rest 90 seconds x 3
C: Side Bridge 30 sec a side rest 10 seconds x 4 per side

A: I did 135#'s at 10 reps each time...I felt good the three minutes was enough recovery time to hit the next set hard and get thru it.
B: Walking Lunges I did with two 35# kettle these were tough...the bells put pressure on your chest making it hard to they got arse was sore from these...but I liked them...
C: Side bridges went well...I felt good each time and made the 30 second mark each time..

Tueasday Training (my ass still hurts from the lunges!)

A: Barbell Bent over row @ 20X2 8-10 repsw rest 2 minutes x 4
B: Kipping Pull Ups 15 fast rest 30 seconds x 5
C: Dumbell Extension Rotations with 15#'s @ 3010 6-8 rest 1 minute between arms x 2
D: Back Extensions @ 4022 10-12 reps rest 1 minute x 3


A: Barbell rows went good...I had coach there to make a few adjustments which was nice and I added 5#'s for 50# reps...completed 10 each time..felt the difference when form corrected

B: Kipping pull ups went good for rounds 1-3..I was able to stay on the bar  I had to come on rounds 4-5...30 sec rest went fast and caught up with me...

C: DB Ext ROT...for such an simple exercise these suck...I did 6 each round and my arms were on fire at this point...keep them comong..or I need to continue these on my own...

D: Back Ext always wipe me out at the end...I did 10 each round and fought the tempo...

So then I decided to try and do the 155# thruster for 31 Heroes...I will be doing it with Jeff and I wanted to be sure I could do some...I have to say I impressed myself...155# was my old max on Power Cleans...not only did I clean it I was able to complete the movement three times!   This really showed me that all this training is paying off...Thanks Coach

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday August 26, 2011

So yesterday got all messed up and I never made it to the gym...although we did catch the guy who robbed Cold Stone Ice Cream so it was worth it...Today I doubled up my training.  Yesterday was a skill day so I did that early this morning and then my workout after the 10 am class.

Training #1:
A: Work on muscle ups for 5 minutes
B: Work on Power Clean for 7 minutes
C: Work on double unders...get 20
D: 10 Wall Balls at easy pace rest 1 minute x 3

A: Muscle up work was good...still have trouble transitioning from one to the next..I get 2-3 then i have to get off and reset..
B: Worked on Power Cleans...worked light weight and on technique...knew I had some later in the day so I stayed light.
C: Did double unders worked up to twenty...I need more work on these
D: Wall Balls went good nice easy pace

Training #2
A: Deadlift 2-3 tough rest 5 minutes x 3
B: Power Clean tough more than 7 minutes
C:Russian Kettle Bell Swing 2 Pood x 15 rest 1 minute x 4
D: 20 Air Squats AFAP

A: Deadlifts felt good...I did 325#'s each set of 3
B: Earlier Power Clean work helped this go smooth triple was 150#'s felt good
C: Swings were good hips were starting to burn at this point
D: 20 Air Squats put me over the top got thru them quickly...

Good day...Good WOD for the Box as well...nice to see everyone working hard on form and pushing thru...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday August 24 2011

So I have been working days the past few weeks...its been nice being home at night with the I have been getting somewhat better sleep...on the nights I haven't got called back out I have been getting 7-8 hours...

A: Strict weighted chin ups 5-7  rest 2 minutes x 5
B: Clean Pulls @ 115% of 1RM of Power Clean 2-3 rest 2 minutes x 3
C: Dumbell Extensions ROT with 15# @ 3010 6-8 rest  1 minute x 2
D: Back Extensions @ 4022 10-12 rest 1 minute x 3

A: I did 5 each round with a 35# kettlebell...the last two sets were tough...stayed with constant weight throughout...I was happy
B: This was the first time I did these...I think I did them right..they felt good...The weight was 165#'s..did some dry runs with an empty bar...ummm they were a lot easier..have to do some next time the Coach is at the box to be sure..
C: I forgot tough these were..I dropped the ball...should have been doing these on my own...felt good..
D:Back Extension went good...did 12 each round...was nice to do them with out the med ball...

Good day overall...


Up with my girls in the morning:

Meal #1: Eggs and bacon with coffee...Fat 19g  Carb...3.5g   Protein...22.4g
Meal # 2: Beef Patty with small salad   Fat 19.7g    Carb...6.4g   Protein...30.8g
Meal # 3: Small Chicken Breast with salad   Fat...6.9g   Carb...6.4g   Protein...27g
Snacks: Pro Bar, Pro Shake, Nuts    Fat...22.4g   Carb....38.6g   Protein...83.2g

Totals:   Fat 68g....Carb  54.9g.... Protein  163.5g

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 23 2011

Well Hello I'm back.....Took a short vacation to Georgia and came back with a severe sinus put me down for the count...I tried to come back last week but after other SWAT guys offering to call EMS for me I took more time off....But today I felt good and was glad to be back at it...

A: Back Squat @ 40X1 3-4 tough Rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Accumulate 300 seconds (5 minutes) in the Front Leaning Rest position on rings
C: 30m accelerates to 80% walk back...walk is rest x 9
D: Toes 2 Rings x 5 slow rest 1 minute x 3

A: I did 185#'s on the back squats...the tempo was seemed like I was never going to get to the bottom.
B: WOW this was tough...After the first round it really burned...I did in 1 min 30, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute and last 30 seconds...seemed like it was never going to end.
C: I enjoyed these..there was a light rain outside and had cooled off soom...could have stayed out there longer
D: The slow tempo made these was hard to slow down I wanted to go fast.

All in all it was good to be back....I felt good and liked my performance.

I was at the Box late in the day do to work...I prefer to hit it first thing in the morning but thats not gonna happen...

Meal #1: Eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee...Fat 19g  Carb 3.5g  Protein 22.4g
Meal #2: Paleo Chilli and some nuts   Fat 41g.....Carb  34.5g....Protein  50.4g
Meal #3: Chicken Breast with a salad    Fat 9g....Carb  6.4g....Protein...35.4g
Snacks: Protein bar, Protein shake, Beef Jerkey  Fat....11g   Carb...34g   Protein....90g
Plus BCAA with glutamine after WOD

Totals: Fat 80g...Carb  78.4g...Protein  198.3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday August 10 2011

Okay some more day work so I am off my about 4 hours of sleep last night...up and at it early...hit the Box around 2pm with Jeff and Scott:

Training: First Part (yes first part):
8 Minute AMRAP-

5 Chest to Bar
10 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps

Okay I'm tired from writing was hot and humid in the box...Good Times!  I finshed 4 full rounds and got 2 box jumps on round 5

Second Part (oh yea it gets better):

4 rounds for time:

400m Run
30 Handstand Push ups
I told you it got better...
I only had 30 HSPU in round 1 I did  two and half minute holds
Round 3 I got 10 more HSPU in...but I was smoked
Took me 26:35...lots of fun..


Meal #1: Eggs and bacon
Meal #2 : Chicken breast with salad
Meal # 3: Chef Salad
Snacks: Protein Bar, Protein Shake
I had the protein shake and BCAA with glutamine right after workout

Looking forward to a good night sleep and back at it tomorrow..

Tuesday August 09 2011

Okay so I need to do some catching up.  Monday was the last day in my latest cycle of programming from Coach....It went a little something like this:

A: Find 1 Rep Max Back Squat
B: Kipping Pull Ups AMRAP -3 rest 3 minutes x 3
C: Back Ext with Med Ball under chin 10-12 rest 1 minute x 4

A: I went up 5#'s from my previous 1RM from 275 to 280#'s...happy with that
B: Kipping Pull Ups went well...I did 20, 17,16
C: Back Extentions felt good...I used the 20# Med Ball

Nutrition: I took BCAA/Glutamine right after WOD...This seems to be working...I feel better quicker..

The rest of the day was kind sporatic...I ate well just at differant times and didn't track everything....I got called into work and we were running all over town following someone...Here is what I ate over the day in one big meal:

Protein Bar, Paleo Chilli, Beef Patty, Salad, Nuts, Protein Shake,

Totals: Fat 70.7g,      Carb  70.9g    Protein   159.2g

Tuesday was even at 0330 for SWAT operation  got to the box around 3pm with Scott and did the WOD
Results were:
21,20,18,17,17  each row took between 1:03 and 1:05
Back to work until 6pm then went and played ice hockey at 7:15pm and back out working at 12am until 2am....I ate when I could during the day...stayed on course just had to eat when I got time...I'm still to tired to remeber everything, but it looked a lot like Monday....and I'm back at work since 0800...I can't remember if I slept any?????????????   And thank you to Ali for covering the 10 for me....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday August 5 2011

Started with N coffee this morning...up with my girls and off to the box...

A: Bench Press 55% of 1 Rep Max @ 20X1 10 reps of 2 with 45 rest between sets
B: 1 Turkish Get Up each arm on the minute for 10 minutes
C:100 walking lunges for time

A: I did 115#'s for the presses..they went good and I worked on form...
B: Okay eah minute seemed to go by faster and faster...I used 35# kettlebell
C: Walking did my legs took 3:00 minutes to get thru

Starwberries and BCAA and glutamine right afterwards then bacon and eggs again  Fat 19.8g  Carb 13g  Protein...25g
Post WOD#2: Nuts and protein bar Fat 20.4g....Carb   32.6g   Protein....35.2
Post WOD #3: Chicken breats and salad...Fat 9g.....Carb...6.4g....Protein...35.4g
Snack: Protein Shake: Fat 2g....Carb....6g...Protein....48g

Totals: Fat....51.3g     Carb.....58g    Protein....143.6

Thursday August 4 2011

Jose made sure we would remember SWAT training...He found one of his crazy SEAL, RANGER or whatever flavor of the week it was workouts and had us do it with him...Good Times!

Anyway up with a cup of coffee and off to the box...

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 5011 3-5 reps 1 minute rest between legs x 4
B: Dumbell russian Step Ups AMRAP in 60 seconds x 3
C: As many strict 1-5 pull up ladders as possible in 10 minutes
D: GHD sit ups 5 sets of 10 rest 15 seconds

A: Tempo made them interesting I used 35# dumbells...legs were still a little tired from yesterday...went well
B: I used 25# dumbells for these...a little tougher than I thought they would be...16-15-15 per round.
C: AMRAP strict chin these hurt I got in 5 full rounds...hurt in a good way..
D: GHD Sit much fun as the airdyne...took me 3:22 to get thru minus the rest it was 2:22
Good training day...I took Tuesday as a rest day I was just feeling drained after the weekend...

Strawberries and BCAA with glutamine afterwards and then with in the hour eggs and bacon...Fat 19.8g  Carb..13g  Protein...25g
Post WOD #2: Deli Roast Beef and nuts....Fat  16.9g   Carb...9.6g    Protein...17.2g
Post WOD # 3: Chicken breast with green beans  Fat 13g....Carb   10.7g....Protein   36g
Post WOD#4: Protein Shake  Fat...2g   Carb....10.7g    Protein...48g
Snack: Protein Bar Fat 8g...Carb...24g...Protein....30g

Fat...59.9g   Carb...63.2g    Protein...156.2g

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday August 1 2011

So after a busy weekend of hockey it was back to the box....I have to say hockey was great although we didn't do so well it was fun playing against guys who made it to the pro level and now play in the 35 and over league.  Got to test my goalie skills against some pros and I have to say I was impressed....with them....

I had N Zero and a coffee pre workout:

A: Press @21X2 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 (compare to 7-11-11 I did 85#'s)
B: Reverse Lunge with barbell in front rack @ 30X1 8-10 per leg rest 2 minutes x3
C: Toes to rings 12-15 rest 45 seconds x 3 KIP KIP KIP

A: These are still my enemy...I bumped up to 95#'s this time I got 9 reps in the first two rounds and dropped to 90#'s the third round and got 8 reps in...These are my weak point...
B: Reverse Lunges I put 20#'s on to go at 65#'s this time...last time I did the bar...I did 9 reps per leg each round...felt good
C: Toes to rings...this was my real first exposure to these in a workout...I liked them I did 15 the first two rounds at a good steady pace...the last round I got 12 in and ran out of steam...

I started BCAA with glutamine post workout...interested to see how it makes me feel. I serving

Post WOD #1 I had to stay at the box and teach the 12 after the workout so I got a Chef salad to eat at the box.  Fat 20g.....Carb 10g....Protein 15g
Post WOD# 2: Pro Bar and nuts Fat...20.4g  Carb...32.6g   Protein...35.2g
Post WOD# 3 Small chicken breast and salad  Fat...9g    Carb...6.4g  Protein...35.4g
Post WOD #4: Protein Shake   Fat 2g....Carb 6g....Protein  48g

Totals:  Fat 51.5g    Carb  55g    Protein 133.6g

Friday July 29 2011

Not such a good night sleep again...about 5 hours...Start of the day with a cup of coffee pre-workout.

Row for 15 minutes at easy pace...I rowed at a 25-27 strokes per minute....then

Fast Farmers walk with the heaviest dumbells in the gym across the gym.
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
sprint 100 meters
Rest 5 min x 5 rounds

I could only find one Rob in the gym so I had to go with the 80#  dumbells

Round #1...I didn't plan it out very well and had stuff spread out all over the gym 1:17
Round #2...1:01
Round #3...1:04
Round #4...1:05
Round #5...1:05
I felt good the 80# dumbells got heavy...The 5 minute rest period was enough to recover and go again hard...I really liked this one


Post WOD # 1: Starwberries and eggs with apple sausage   Fat 27.4g...Carb 15.5g....Protein 32.2g
Post WOD #2: Protein Bar and Nuts   Fat 20.4g...Carb   32.6g   Protein....35.2g
Post WOD #3: Protein Shake   Fat..2g   Carb..14.6g   Protein...48g
Post WOD #4: Club Wrap...Fat 22g   Carb...55.9g    Protein....29.6g

Total   Fat...71.8g    Carb....110g    Protein...145g

My plan was to come home from work early have a nice meal and then go play hockey...well of course work had othe rplans I got called back in and had a bottle of water and then off to play hockey...two games one at 830pm and then one at 1230am long night but hockey was fun...