Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Catching Up

OK so I didn't fall off the face of the earth but  Xmas time was very busy and hard to keep up...Here is what I have been up to....Not sure of the dates so I'll post all the workouts I have completed since last post then  I'll do a new for today (Tuesday December 27)

A: Press @ 32X2 7-9 reps rest 3 min x 4
B: Decline Ring push ups feet high on box AMRAP -2 rest 3 mins x 3
C: GHD sit ups 5 unbroken sets of 10 (shorter rest than last time)


A: 95(7), 85(9), 85(7), 85(7)
B: 14-11-8
C: Rest 30 sec, 30 sec, 35 sec, 40 sec


A: Deadlift from 4" block @ 32X1 6,4,4,2,2 rest 3 mins b/t sets
B: Back Ext w/ 10# plate @ 22X2 8-10 rest 1 minute x 4
C: 2 pood KBS ladder 1 swing/2 swings/ 3swings etc...
D: Side bridge 45 sec/side rest 15 sec x 3 per side

A: 245,265,265,275,280 very differant lifting from block...really had to concentrate on form...tough getting weight off ground then longer lower...
B: Complete 10 each round
C: Made it to ladder 10
D: complete


A: As many 1-5 strict pull up ladders in 7 minutes
B: Pendlay rows @ 32x2 5-7 rest 2 mins x 3

Then: Row max meters in 9:45 w/ 45 # bumper lift...compare to last

A: 2 complete plus 4
B: 70(7), 80(7), 85(6)
Row: 2463m...last row was for 10 mins and I got 2415 meters....I guess training is paying off...thanks coach!


A: Press @ 31X2 4-6 rest 2:30  x 4
B: Ring Dips @ BW  AMRAP -1  rest 3 mins x 3
C: DB Ext Rot  @ 3010 8/arm rest 1 min between arms
D:  GHD sit ups 50 for time


A: 100(6), 105(4), 102(6), 105(4)
B: 16,12,10
C: complete
D: 3:00 with rest felt good...

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