Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here are the WODS and results for Tuesday and Wednesday:

A:Back Squat 1RM
b: Back Squat 5@ 70%,4@ 75%, 3@ 80% rest 3 mins b/t sets
4 sets of Max Effort Front Squat @ 155#'s
4 sets of Max Effort Bench Press @ 70% of 1RM
Rest as needed between sets

A:285#'s felt good tried to move up to 300# did not get hips below knees about 1" it back up but was time!
B: 5@ 200, 4@ 215, 3 @230

Only did 2 sets forgot I had a meeting and had to wrap up early:
1st Set 5 and 8
2nd Set 5 and 10

Legs weren't feeling it today...maybe still tired from the tour...felt like I could do more but just couldn't get the legs to go...


100 yd run
30 Air Squats
15 Hand release push ups

6 rounds + 100 yds + 15 Air Squats
Still got tired legs....and now my shoulders hurt to!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

OK no more excuses I need to keep up on the Blog...Took a week off after the Police Unity legs were crushed this year...Day one winds and day three hills took a toll....So off to a fresh today...Here we go!


5 sets:
2 Power Cleans and 2 Push Jerks rest 90 seconds between sets
12 min AMRAP
15 Box Jumps 24"
16 DB snatches 35#'s
1 Rope Climb


5 sets at 155#'s for some reason the last two sets were the easiest...I think I got better form as I went on...


4 rounds plus box jumps..

Felt like I was moving in slow motion...surprised myself by making it thru 4 rounds...after the second round I felt cooked...nice welcome back to the grind....looking forward to putting in some hard work and seeing some great results...