Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6, 2011

So the good night sleep ended..Early morning search warrant and SWAT training day took care of about 4 to 5 hours...

Got to the box after SWAT training...I'll start with nutrition since I had a few meals prior:

1st meal was Protein Bar and a banana...Fat 8.5g....Carb 51.7g....Protein 31.3

2nd meal was Deli ham and peperoni with a protien shake....Fat 27.8g....Carb 10.3....Protein 79.5g

Post WOD I snacked on some nuts....Fat 12.4g....Carb 8.6g....Protein 5.2g

Last Meal Grilled Talpia with a salad and mixed steamed veggies...Fat 8.7g....Carb 16.3g....Protein 52.5g

Then to the Box after a cup of coffee of course:...Training

A: Wide Grip Bench Press with a 40X1 Tempo 5-7 reps rest 3 minutes x 4
B: Deadlift with a 2201 tempo 6-4-2-4-6 rest 3 minutes between sets x 4
C: Hang Power Clean 3 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 Speed over weight
D: Kettle Bell Swings (heavy) x 15 rest i minute x 3

A: I did 105#'s up from 100# the last time I did this...I felt really good and probally could have pushed more, but again I wanted to be strict with the tempo..
B: I deadlifted 260# and felt good..I started out at 235 but could tell I could do more even with the tempo...looking forward to 1RM on Deadlift I know I'm going up...
C: I kinda overestimated the difference between this and standard power clen...I tried 135 but it killed me..I had to go down to 115 to follow the speed over weight...At this weight I was able to have good form and be fast.
D: I did the 2Pood all three rounds...unbroken on the first two and a 10-5 split on the last...really wanted three unbroken but my grip wouldn't allow it..

Nutrition Totals....Fat 57.4g....Carb 86.1g...Protein 168.1.....WOW I did I got my protein intake right!!!!

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