Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Ok so I made it to the box today and got my workout in...then things got a little silly...I have been working a homicide case..things got interesting today and I ended up working 27 straight hours with 12 of them being spent in Miami chasing down leads on the suspect...after a long night we returned to Naples about 730am today..I was a little tired and but had to get the girls to camp...anyway about 4pm the call came in that the Miami US Marshalls had picked up the shooter and our work yesterday paid I never made it to the box today..hopefully I can get some good workouts in the next few days....glad to bring this case to a close...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27, 2011

Ok I was out of town last week at the Police Olympics playing hockey....we came in third and took home the Bronze Medal....Proud of the team...My plan was to get back at it today...unfortunatly work had other plans...called in at 0530 this morning and got home at 7pm...not how I planned on spending the day...So tomorrow I will be back at it...stand by....Coach Anthony has given me another great 10 days of workouts...looking forward to hitting it....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

Hello All...Well the weekend was somewhat of a rest period for me..I played inline hockey on Saturday morning for about 2 hrs..Sunday I got up and ran a 5k and then played  ice hockey later in the afternoon...had a great Fathers Day with my girls, Terry and my mom...

Well anyway back at it today.  I did todays WOD..

A: Dumbell Split Squats @ 50X1 4-6 reps rest 1 minute b/t legs x4
B: Lunges with 45# Plate Overhead 16 total steps 90 secs rest b/t sets x 3
C: KBS 15 with 1 min rest between sets x 3
D: Side Bridges 30 sec with 10 sec rest 3x's each side

A: Liked the Tempo used 30#'s should have gone heavier
B This was fun...16 steps with no problem
C: Used the 2POD first 2 sets unbroken 3rd 10-5
D: Nice ending to the day...

I actually ate something pre WOD about an hour and half prior I had 2 eggs with bacon and cup of coffee.
21.1g Fat, 2.3g Carb, 21.8g Protein

Post WOD I had nothing for a while..I forgot my had to stay and teach..

Post WOD about two hours later Deli Turkey slices and salad. 1.3g Fat, 6.4g Carb, 23.9g Protein

Snacks: Mixed nuts 12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carb, 5.2g Protein

Last Meal: Burger and salad 19.7g Fat, 6.4g Carb, 30g Protein

Late Snack Protein Shake..2g Fat, 6g Carb, 48g Protein

Total...56.6g Fat, 29.7g Carb, 129.7g Protein

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011

OK so I don't remember when yesterday ended and today began...Late night surveillance for an early Search Warrant..I think I slept for about an hour in my truck in the parking lot of Special Ops...oh yea I closed my eyes for the ride back from Everglades...another 40 minutes maybe...yea um I be tired..

I was able to get up cup of coffee before the WOD

A: In 7 Min build to a heavy 3 Power Clean
B: In 7 Min from Power Clean build to a heavy 3 Deadlift
C: DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-10; Rest 1 min x 4
D: Kipping Pullups x 10 AFAP; Rest 1 min. x 5

A: Built to 155#'s my 1RM prior was 155# so very happy
B: Built to 325# DL...1 RM is 350#'s again very happy
C: DB Back ext I went with 15#'s it was heavy, but it was to far and I was too tired to walk across the Box and switch it thru it with 10-10-8-8 reps
D: Kipping Pullups went good I was able to do all the rounds unbroken except for the last round...

I had some fruit and deli ham slices after the WOD...3.3g FAt, 26.2g Carb, 21g Protein

Meal #1: Thinkthin Bar  8.0g Fat, 25.0g Carb, 20.0 Protein

Meal# 2: Eggs and Chicken Apple Sausage..36.2g Fat, 7.3g Carb, 36.3g Protein

I think the lack of sleep killed my hunger...I will have a protein shake after I post so I'll add it...2g Fat, 7.3g Carb,48g Protein

Totals...49.5g Fat, 64.5g Carb, 125.g protein....and by the way I'm still tired....

So this was the end of my first two week training program from was fantastic...I can see change in my body already...I feel stronger and have a better understanding of my weaknesses...I can't thank him enough for the keep it coming and I look forward to the next round....See Ya's

Thursday June 16, 2011

Not a bad nights sleep again...Good 6-7 hours.  Up early with the girls and heading to camp and the box.

Pre WOD had suprise, suprise a cup of coffee.


A:Bench Press @ 30X1; 55% 1Rep Max; 8 sets of 2 Rest 45 secs between sets
B:KBS 15 Moderate weight; rest 1 min x3
C:100 Walking lunges @ 80%-stop when it burns

Nice recovery day.  Everything felt good...after a long day yesterday this is what I needed.

Post WOD Meal #1 :Had my fruit followed by steak and eggs. 25.4g FAT, 26.7g CARBS, 81.7g Protein

Post WOD Meal # 2 : Carrots, Deli Ham Slices..17.3g Fat, 21g Carb, 21.2g Protein

Snack: Nuts  12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carb, 6.4g Protein

Last Meal: Paleo Chili , Salad 14.6g Fat, 19.4g Carb, 24.5g Protein

Snack: Larabar 8.0g Fat, 25.0g Carb, 21.9g Protein

Totals 77.7g Fat, 101.2g Carb, 152.6g Protein

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Not a bad nights sleep last a good 6-7 hours.  Hit the Box early as it was a SWAT training day.

Pre guessed it cup o' coffee

A: Dumbell Split Squat @ 30X1; 8-10 reps; rest 1 min between legs x4
B: Dumbell Russian Step Ups @ 20X1; 12-15 reps; rest 1 minute between legs x4
C: As many strict 1-4 Pull Up ladders as possible in 10 mins
D: GHD Sit ups 50 for time

A: used the 25# dumbells and did 10 reps each round...felt good
B: used 25# dumbells and did 15 per round..felt good should have increased the weight
C: I completed 7 full ladders in the 10 mins...this was tough
D: Kind of got off track called for work and was on the phone and radio while trying to complete..I was on track for doing 10 at a time and resting 30-40 secs between...have to do this again to get time..

Fruit right after workout and a protein plan was to go to SWAT an PT side tracked with work, but was able to make it for the the O-Course.2.3g Fat, 30.2g Carb, 49g Protein

Post WOD Meal# 2 or snackins as Jose would say...Carrots and Deli Ham...17g Fat, 21g Carb, 21g Protein

Post WOD Meal #3 Two chicken apple sausage links and a salad with nuts..36.4g Fat, 26g Carb, 31g Protein.

Snack...Thinkthin Bar...8g Fat, 25g Carb, 20g Protein

Totals:  64.4g Fat, 97.8g Carb, 121.3g Protein

Long Hot Day...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday June 14, 2011

Good night sleep got about 7 hours...stayed up a little later hoping the Canucks would mount a comeback and raise the cup in the Garden, oh well I guess they will do it in Vancover.  Hit the Box early again today.  Pre WOD had a cup of coffee.

5 sets of 3 heavy rest...20 seconds @ 100% on airdyne...then rest 5 minutes.

I called Anthony some bad names, but got thru it.  I lifted 305#'s for all 5 sets.  My legs were smoked...the 5 minute rest was enough to let get thru the next round , but not enough that I felt completely recovered, more so in the later rounds..I liked it though..I really felt like I was pushing myself   good WOD.

Post WOD right after I had the cup of fruit...when I got home I had the paleo pancakes and 4 slices of bacon. 25.5g Fat, 75.4g Carb, 21.2g protein.

Post WOD #2 Deli Ham Slices and a salad. 3g Fat, 8.4g Carbs, 21.9g Protein

Snack Mixed nuts and deli ham...13.9g Fat, 9.6g Carb, 15.2g Protein

Post WOD # # NY Strip Steak on the grill and fresh steamed green beans and carrots...29.6g Fat, 30.7g Carb, 67.3g Protein.

Snack Deli Ham for 10g Protein

Totals..71g Fat, 125g Carbs, 129.1g Protein

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13, 2011

Back at it after the weekend off.  Slept OK last night could have gotten more sleep, but I kept waking up for some reason.  Got about 6 good hours.  Hit the Box early today.  Had the standard cup of coffee pre workout.

A: Press @ 21X2 ; 5x5; rest 3 min between sets
B: Front Squat @ 30X1; 8-6-4-2 Rest 20 Secs
C: 2 Rope asscents; 1 no legs & 1 with legs; rest 3 mins
D: Side Bridge; 30 secs/side rest 10 secs 3x/side

I did the Presses at 100# (1RM 125#).  They were tough.  I wanted to do more , but this is where I struggle, plus the tempo was tough.  I tried to keep good form, squeezing everything as I pressed.
Front Squats felt real good.  Again I based them off my 1RM max of 175#, With the tempo in mind I was able to do 125#'s.  I probally could have done more , but as I've learned in the past the tempo keeps you honest, plus I wanted to keep strict form.
Rope asscent went good.  The first one with no legs was tough.  My shoulders and arms were pretty tired already.  After the rest and using my legs I had no problem.
Side Bridges are always tough at the end.  I was spent and these completely drained me

I had a cup of fruit right after the WOD..a little later than I wanted to I had the rest of the meal..had to stop before getting home to pick Kailee up from getting her braces on...anyway then I had two scrambled egges with 4 slices of bacon and chopped peppers. 23.4g Fat, 31.1g Carbs, 23.4g Protein

Post WOD Meal #2 Deli Ham Slices and carrots 15.8g Fat, 20.5g Carbs, 11.2g Protein

Snack: Nuts 12.4g Fat, 8.6g Carbs, 5.2g Protein

Last Meal: Paleo Chilli and a salad  (I pulled the number from FITDAY, I'm guessing my chilli was a little better, but this should be close enough) 14.3g Fat, 19.4g Carb, 23.5g Protein

Snack; larabar 9g Fat, 13g Carb, 10g Protein

Totals: 66.3g Fat, 79.6g Carb, 64.3g Protein

I didn't realize how low my protein intake was today....I had a protein shake after I posted this to bring it up..another 50g protein for total of 114g still low...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday June 10, 2011

Sleep what is that?  Who needs it?  Maybe got a total of three hours between the two times I got to put my head down.  At the box early today after a SWAT op.  Had the usual cup of coffee prior to workout.


Run for 10 minutes at 65% (Zone 1) then:

10 Burpees As Fast as Possible

10 Stepping Lunges

10 KBS

Rest 6 min x 5


I have to say I felt better than I thought I would.  My legs were tight during the run from yesterday but by the time I was done they had loosened up.  Rest period was enough to fully recover I felt I was ready to go at the end of the 6th minute. At the end of the first round I just walked around for the rest period, 2nd I got on the Airdyne, 3rd I rowed and the 4th I jumped rope.

Meal 1:  1 cup of fruit right after WOD. About 1/2 hour later two scrambled eggs with 4 slices of bacon. 19g Fat, 27g Carb, 23g Protein

Snack: Larabar: 9g Fat, 31g Carb, 4g Protein

Meal 2: Ham Slices and salad 1.3g Fat,  12.4g Carb, 19.9g Protein

Snack: Think Thin Bar: 8g Fat, 25g Carb, 20g Protein

Meal 3: Two Chicken Apple Saugages 3/4 cup Broccoli 27.9g Fat, 15.9g Carb,  29.7g Protein

Snack: Carrotts, Power Crunch Bar 27g Fat, 29.5g Carb, 14.2g protein

I was hungry all day today...I don't if it was from the lack of sleep or the workout, but I had to eat...

Great week and great programming.  I felt challanged everyday...Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow..See Ya's

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday June 9, 2011

Sleep was not my friend again.  We were out late last night on a mission so I didn't get in until close to 1am.  I guess I got around 5hrs of sleep.  Today was the last day of school so that may improve my sleep a little.  Anyway it was off to the box first thing in the morning.  I had the usual cup of joe prior to workout.

A: Strict Chin Ups @ 30X1 6-8 Reps Rest 3 min x 3
B: Dumbell Step Ups @ 4222 10-12 Reps Rest 1 min between legs x 4
C; Reverse Sled Drag @ 165#'s Constant Pace at toe heel step for 60 seconds rest 3 mins x4


Well I had the pleasure of having Laura join me for the workout.  It was nice because misery loves company.  The chin ups were good, again the tempo added to the challange.  I felt really good and probally could have added a little weight.  It was hard not to kip.
The DB Step Step Ups were a challange, the tempo kept me honest, but made it hard to keep steady.  When I was lowering my left leg I could feel my right leg all over the place and had to put my foot against the box a few times.  When lowering my right leg I felt more stable and in control again showing my left leg is dominate.
Reverse Sled was drag was fun.  Once I got the proper step down I found it easy to keep the pace and the sled wasn't that heavy.  Could have easily dragged more.  It was a unique burn in the knee area and made you work.

Post WOD: Had my fruit right after the WOD again and then 3 scrambled eggs mixed with ham slices added 4 slices of turkey bacon to up the protein.  25.8g Fat, 30g Carb, 39.9g Protein

2nd Meal: Ham slices and salad with some almonds: 34.6g Fat, 18g Carb, 33.9g Protein

3rd Meal: Chicken Breast with Broccoli and one link of chicken apple sausage: 29g Fat, 12g Carb, 68g Protein

Snack: Carrotts and Beef Jerkey: 17.3g Fat, 31.5g Carb, 46.2g Protein.

Todays Total: 106g Fat, 92.9g Carb, 188.1g Protein

If I have forgotten to mention I do take Fish Oil every day.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

Oh so tired today...After getting home from hockey I was all wound up...we lost but it was a chippy game with some good scrums in front of the net....Played against a guy from Philly who played like me so it was fun...we went at it pretty good...lots of verbal abuse back and forth...anyway I'm dead tired today I think I got 4 hrs sleep if I was lucky...Pre WOD I had a cup of coffee..


A: Bench Press @ 4022 x 4 rest 3 mins between rds
B: Build to a quick 5 Deadlift (clean grip) Rest as needed
C: Power Clean 3 reps x 3 rest 2 mins between rds
D: 15 Heavy KBS x 3 rest 1 minute between rds

I tried to go heavy on the Bench Press, but again I under estimated the tempo..I tried 125# way to heavy..I went down to 105# for Rd 1 and went down again to 100# for the remainder of the rds.  100#'s was good I could keep good form yet the last few were tough...I have to learn to check my ego at the door.

I quickly built to 225#'s on the Deadlift and was able to ge the five reps in with the clean grip...Again the grip was the difference on 4 and 5 I had to pause a little longer to re-adjust my grip, but I stayed on the bar...

Power Cleans went really well...I did 145#'s and felt good...I felt like my form was good for all the rounds..I felt like I could do more, but my form would have suffered so I stayed with the 145#

KBS..I went with the 2Pood for the first forearms and grip were not happy so I had to go down to the 53#...rds 2 and 3 felt good I felt like I was pulling the bell back down instead of letting it felt light after the Power Cleans.

My hips were sore from hockey, but once I warmed up I felt good...I thought my legs would be worse after the airdyne and hockey, but I felt good just tired from lack of sleep...

Fruit Mix again right after WOD and about 45 minutes later when I got home I made the Paleo Pancakes from Natilies BLOG...2 Bananas,egg and Almond Butter using coconut oil for cooking...very tasty
25.5g Fat, 75.4g Carb, 21.2g protein.

Second Meal: Deli Ham Slices and salad.  3g Fat, 5g Carb, 21.9g Protein

Snack: Almonds, deli ham slices, 31.3g Fat, 10g Protein, 1g carbs

Last Meal: Chicken Breast and broccoli: 17g Fat, 9.9g Carbs, 56g Protein

Late Snack: Lara Bar and Protein shake: 9g Fat, 31g Carb, 4g Protein

Totals 81g Fat, 136g Carb, 161g Protein

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011

I got a good night sleep and felt good in the morning. I had a cup of coffee before hitting the box.

Training: Airdyne (which should be a four letter word):
30 sec at 85%
30 sec at 50%
x 25
rest for 2 mins every fifth set:

Can you say suck it! I don't understand how such an innocent looking piece of equipment can be so miserable. The first two sets were good and the two minute break aloud for most of the feeling in my legs to come back. After that it was pure torture...5 to 10 secs in at 85% and my legs were on fire. If had trained on the Airdyne prior to the Police Unity Tour, I think I might have been able to set a new record.

Post WOD right after training: Mixed Fruit again then about 15 mins later two hard boiled eggs, small bag of carrots and some thin turkey slices.
25g Fat,26g Carb,31g Protein

2nd Meal (about 3 hrs later) Salad with Ham Slices:
3g Fat, 8g Carb, 21g Protein

Snack: Mixed Nuts: 12g fat, 8g carbs, 5g Protein

Last Meal: Chicken Breast on the grill and @ 1 cup of steamed broccoli
17g Fat, 9g Carb, 55g Protein

Then I played a game of Ice Hockey at 9:45pm

Totals for the day: 58.7g Fat, 53.5g Carb, 114.8g Protein.
It should be interesting to see how my legs feel in the morning....

I thought my Blog had been hacked by a man lover when I saw the photo of Tom Brady in my followers, then I realized it was Magner and I realized I was half right,  it wasn't hacked...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday June 6, 2011

Ok so last week was a false start.  Taking Anthony's advice I took a rest period before starting.  So today is Day 1 so here we go. 

A: Dumbell Bent Over Row at 30X1,12-15 reps,90 secs x 4
B: Back Squat at 30X1, 4-6 Reps, Rest 3 mins. x 4
C: Dumbell Walking Lunges 10 steps each leg, Rest 45 secs x 3
D: Dumbell Back Extentions at 4022, 10-12 Reps Rest 1 min x 3

I did the bent over rows with 25# dumbells.  I felt good.  The weight seemed right, the last few were heavy with the tempo.
The Back Squat felt good as well.  I haven't done them in a while so started off at 175#'s.  This was heavy and I went down to 155# and found that to be a little light.  I went up to 165#'s for the last two reps and it felt good.  The tempo got me on this one and I under estimated it the first round.
The dumbell walking lunges I did at 30#'s and it felt right.  They weren't easy, but I got through them without stopping.  Hard to believe that such a simple move can be so tough.
Dumbell Back extentions were tough.  I used a 10# dumbell.  The tempo again was killer.  I did 10 reps each round and the last few of each round were tough.

Pre WOD I had nothing but a cup of coffee
Post WOD right after workout I had 1 cup of mixed fruit(watermelon/grapes/strawberries/cantalope) and 2 scrambled eggs with chicken aplle sausge..24.g carbs/22g fat/25g Protein

Snack: Almonds 7g fat/3g Carbs/3g Protein

Meal #2 : Beef Patty with 1 cup of steamed broccoli...18g Fat/10g Carbs/27g Protein

Snack: Mixed Nuts(almonds/cashews/pecans/brazil/hazel) and Protein Shake....6g fat/10g Carbs/53g Protein

Totals:53g Fat/60g Carbs/113g Protein (number pulled from Fit Day)