Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012

Fiesrt day back at the box since the OPT challenge on Saturday...I still feel the effects of it...

A: Seven Muscle ups clean try to minimize misses
B: Power Clean 3,3,3,2,1 rest 2:30 between sets
C: Push press 3,2,1,3,2,1 rest 2:30 between sets
D: 21 95# Thrusters
     21 Pull Ups
For time...how do you feel?

A: Fail...my wrists are all still torn up from sat...I tried to tape them but the just ripped open...have to postpone this, but I do need the work so I will get these done...
B: 165,155,155,160,165
C: 115,135,145,125,145,155
D: 3:05
Let myself down with the muscle ups, but I figured no one at the box wanted to muscle ups on bllod covered rings....
Power Cleans wen't good..still a little sore from sat so the weights were moderate  can definatly do more...
Push Press same thing feel like I can go heavier my shoul;ders just weren't there today..

Thrusters and Pull ups..thought I would be faster...I think I was just run down...would like to go at this again....

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